In a few minutes, you will reduce soreness, relax the muscles, be more flexible and more mobile. Also, you will be more fit, less stressed, and relieve pain. So, if you sit in an office for long, and have painful joints, tight tendons, and muscles, try foam rolling to get some foam rolling benefits.
What Is Foam Rolling?
Foam rolling is a type of self-massage that helps you deal with injuries or tight muscles. It is a form of relief from stress which makes your muscles less tense, so you feel relieved and relaxed. The only equipment you need to foam roll and get the benefits of foam rolling is a foam roller.
If you are wondering how to use a foam roller, don’t worry. Simply lie on your side or back with the foam roller under your right shoulder or upper back. Rest your lower body on the ground. Then, roll slowly up and down, and don’t let the roller go to your lower back to reduce the risk of injuries.
Once you learn how to use a foam roller, do it for 30 -60 seconds. Then, change the sides, and repeat a few times. A foam rolling exercise session may take about 15 minutes per day for best results.
An important point to remember is to avoid foam rolling on the lower back unless your doctor says so to prevent injuries to the spine.
For more foam rolling benefits, you can do foam rolling techniques[1] involving different body parts and muscles like:
- Quads
- Calves
- Hamstrings
- Upper back
- Lats
- Neck
How To Start Foam Rolling?
Want to have a personal therapist at home, try the foam roller. Though it may seem torturous when you begin, you get foam rolling benefits as it will help you reduce soreness, tension, and recovery after exercise.
Nevertheless, if you are starting, choose the right roller for you. Start slowly, and combine it with other pre or post-workout warmups. But, avoid foam rolling on the lower back, and don’t do it if you have an injury.
Specifically, start with a soft roller, get a free space, engage your core, and take breaths as you foam roll. Workout each muscle group in turns, taking 30-60 seconds each for optimal benefits of foam rolling.
What Happens After Foam Rolling On The Back?
When you grasp how to use a foam roller, ensure you do it right and avoid foam rolling on your lower back. Ultimately, you will get the benefits like muscle flexibility and performance. Furthermore, it will help release muscle adhesions in areas the back you can’t reach for massage.
Additionally, it will relieve any pain, inflammation, and soreness while reducing fatigue. Studies show that foam rolling[2] relieves back tension, corrects poor posture, and realigns your neck, head, and spinal cord.
You must not perform foam rolling on the lower back unless under supervision since it may damage the peripheral muscles. It may cause the vertebrae to cramp or get spasms, reversing the benefits.
Benefits Of Foam Rolling Daily For Your Body
If you make it part of your routine, you will reap several benefits of foam rolling. Here are some of them.
1. Prevents injuries
Foam rolling makes you more flexible and lowers your chances of injury due to the increased conditioning of the muscle tendons. Foam rolling inhibits muscle spindle activity making the muscle fibers relaxed and more flexible.
Quite often, injuries occur when the connective tissues in the muscles tighten. Therefore, foam rolling helps the re-establishment of the integrity of the connective muscle tissues and averts possible injuries.
2. Makes your muscles flexible
If you have tight or rigid muscles, foam rolling may be the remedy. It helps reduce muscle tension[3], making the muscles more flexible. Experts recommend that you start with foam rolling before and after work out.
For the best foam rolling benefits, combine foam rolling with some stretches. Always start slowly and be consistent with the foam rolling to achieve better results.
3. Reduces stress
It is relaxing and calming when you learn how to use a foam roller. Your muscles don’t get fatigued only because of workouts. Instead, other activities like carrying the groceries and running to catch a bus or train work your glutes and get you tired, too. Even sitting behind an office desk all day tires your back.
At the end of the day, we all need relief to put everything behind us to prepare for the next day. So, by making tight muscles less tense and relaxed, foam rolling benefits the mind by helping reduce stress.
4. Prevents soreness
By making your muscles relaxed and enhancing blood circulation, foam rolling makes you feel better and more relaxed. It leaves no room for any soreness. You will get more benefits of foam rolling after workouts if you have a sore.
Foam rolling works on the principle of autogenic inhibition[4], where the tendons inhibit the muscle spindle activity. This gives room for the muscle fibers to stretch slightly and relax. In the end, it leaves little or no soreness.
5. Supports blood circulation
For the body to function properly, you need continuous blood circulation. You should know how to use a foam roller as a form of massage to help improve your blood circulation by making your muscles less tense.
According to a study performed on the lateral thigh, the blood flow of the lateral thigh increased by 70% a few minutes after foam rolling compared to normal circumstances.
However, avoid foam rolling varicose veins[5]. This is because the blood pressure in the varicose veins may increase, making you feel more pain or discomfort.
6. It can boost your performance
Among the best benefits of foam rolling is it’s a form of release, which improves your mobility. Small studies show foam rolling improves your overall athleticism, like your speed, strength, and agility.
Furthermore, foam rolling gives you an optimal athletic performance as it increases your muscles’ ability to contract or stretch easily. Ultimately, by working on your muscles, foam rolling makes them stronger. This boosts your overall performance ability.
7. Enhances muscle recovery
The tightening of tendons causes muscle injuries. Through foam rolling, your muscles relax, stretch smoothly, and the tendons become more flexible.
As a result, you will recover fast from any muscle soreness and discomfort than you would have done without foam rolling.
Foam Rolling Benefits For Runners And Athletes
Athletes and runners should foam roll to get their muscles relaxed after long workouts or runs. Foam rolling benefits for runners involve preventing or alleviating injuries.
In addition, foam rolling gives them a sort of massage and relief from stress. Here are some foam rolling benefits for runners and athletes:
- First, foam rolling helps relax athletes’ muscles by making them less tense and flexible. This keeps the muscles at optimal levels, and as an athlete, you will perform better.
- Foam rolling will increase your range of motion as a runner as it relaxes and relieves soreness of the muscles.
- After long workout periods or long runs, your muscles may be worn out, and you feel the need to relax and unwind. Foam rolling is a great way to do this, and it is a form of massage.
- Among the foam rolling benefits for runners is helping them relieve stress by making their muscles feel free and flexible. Their brain will have some time to relax and unwind.
- Also, another of the foam rolling benefits for runners is the reduction of their injury risk and recovery time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Foam rolling works to reduce muscle tension, prevent injury, increase blood flow, and boost overall performance. Also, it helps reduce soreness and recovery after a workout. But, avoid foam rolling on the lower back.
Yes. During pregnancies, mothers experience back pains and accumulation of fluids. Foam rolling helps massage the muscles, relieve the pain, improve blood circulation, and reduce fluid retention.
Avoid it if you have a serious injury like a muscle tear, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, or thrombosis unless with your doctor's permission.
You may foam roll each muscle group for 30 seconds to 1 minute. The whole foam roll should be 5-20 minutes or 15 minutes on average per day.
Besides doing foam rolling on your sides, other techniques to do foam rolling include working on the quads, hamstring, lats, core, and upper back. This way, you get the benefits of foam rolling.
With time, foam rolling helps relax your muscles, be more flexible, and increase your range of motion. Your blood flow improves, you get pain relief, less muscle tension, and reduced stress.
But, experts say you avoid foam rolling on the lower back. Don’t do it when you have an injury and muscle tear. Or if you have osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, or thrombosis without consulting your doctor.