Stress is a by-product of fear. Fear that you’re incapable of handling whatever situation is at hand. This fear-filled belief will cause you to feel stressed and overwhelmed, which may lead to anxiety and depression.
Fear-based thoughts may cause you to believe that there’s no way out and no way forward. However, there’s always a way to move from where you are to where you want to be, but you must know how to access your inner creator.
Before we share with you how to defeat stress, let’s look at what causes it. Stress is created by the internal fear that the external demands which you’re facing are too big for you to handle. This imbalance between your inner and outer worlds creates a pressure cooker in your mind and the result is stress.
Perhaps you fear that there’s not enough time to accomplish what needs to be done, that you’re not good enough to get it done, or that you’re an imposter, trying to accomplish something that others would do better than you’re able to. However, no matter how you view yourself and your situation one theme will remain constant.
You’ll be convinced that you’re not safe within the circumstances. Someone or something is going to come along and do you harm. Harm can be identified in a number of ways.
You may fear bodily harm – harm to your physical being (illness or injury), financial harm – harm to your income or assets, familial harm – harm to loved ones, friends, or to the environment. It doesn’t matter what you fear or whose causing you to be afraid, what’s important is that you feel incapable of preventing the harm.
Harm feels inevitable. It’s a matter of when not if. Living in this state of mind forces you to begin coping, surviving, and operating from fear.
Coping, living with the unknown fear, causes unrelenting stress which may lead to anxiety and depression. After all, if everything is out of your control and harm is inevitable, what do you have to feel confident or safe about?
The answer is everything. You build confidence and become safe with the correct thinking because it’s all an inside job. What you think about determines your life experience.
This translates into increased stress and anxiety for every person who doesn’t understand what is and what isn’t under their control. In other words, everyone who’s unable to recognize that they’re the creator of their life experiences. This is why having a daily spiritual practice is paramount to combating stress, anxiety and depression.
In addition, it will also help you create a blueprint for a successful life. Success doesn’t just appear. Success is a carefully cultivated benefactor that is a predicable asset to the proper mindset. Success is your birthright, growth is your natural state of being, and understanding that you’re a powerful creator is where and how you’ll begin cultivating success.
The universe is governed by an immutable set of laws with predictable, unchanging outcomes. The fastest path to being free of stress and feeling successful is to learn how to work with the forces that are already governing all life experiences.
Bucking against the universal operating system is both pointless and stress-inducing. So begin freeing yourself from stress by exercising the power of creation that resides within you.
When you observe the Law of Attraction, you see that it’s a perfect reflection. What you receive in your life is the result of what you believe.
If you understand that the law is neither benevolent nor adversarial, you’ll see a magnified reflection of your thoughts and feelings are all that comprise your world. You, then, were the creator.
Nothing outside of yourself caused you to falter or fail. You are the creator of your life and if you don’t like what you’re experiencing, you have the power to create something better.
To begin creating what you do want, start with your awareness. Instead of deliberately distracting yourself with outer circumstances learn to be present and pay attention to what you’re thinking and feeling.
Gaining self-awareness will not be instantaneous or without effort but the reward will be a permanent solution for your stressful existence. To help you remember to be aware, present, and observant, take a few minutes throughout your day to stop all activity and just breathe.
Place the entirety of your focus on your breath. As you breathe, pay attention to how you feel, what you think about how you feel as well as what you anticipate you’ll be feeling and thinking next. Don’t judge but do observe. What thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are present in your mind? Take deep satisfying breaths for at least five minutes as you continue to observe the pattern of your thoughts.
Once you’re aware of the direction of your thoughts, continue to breathe deeply but move out of the position of the observer and into the place of the creator. If you noticed feelings of fear, lack, tragedy, or limitation of any kind you’ve been creating a toxic life for yourself.
You’ve been working at cross-purposes to your greatest good and it’s time to begin changing that narrative. Because you’re a powerful creator with free will, it was perfectly possible for you to use the Law of Attraction against yourself. Now that you understand, you can begin using that same law to your benefit.
Start by taking the fear-filled, stress-inducing thoughts and thanking them for showing you why you’ve attracted difficulty. Then deliberately choose a thought that feels better. Begin where you are and progress as you’re able to do so.
An example would be, “I’m afraid I can’t pay my bills” this creates a negative attraction reflection of, no matter how hard I work it won’t be enough.
Change that thought to, “I’m proud of myself for all of the times I’ve met my financial obligations.” Now you’re reflecting the thought, I’ve done it before and I can do even better since growth is a natural endproduct of all life. Don’t leap from, “I can’t pay my bills” to “I’m a millionaire” unless you can sincerely believe this statement. Stress is not relieved by making
fanciful statements, it’s relieved by becoming aware of the cause which is negative, limiting thinking. Followed by disrupting that pattern of thought and finally by replacing it with thoughts that support, uplift, and create the expectation of what is wanted.
Your successful change in thinking will not be immediate. There’s no panacea that will change what is, overnight. However, if you begin today to identify the thoughts of lack and fear, then replace those negative thoughts with ones that acknowledge all that you’ve done and can do, you’ll discover that your pattern of attraction will begin to shift.
Once you’ve made it a habit to look at what you can do, instead of what you’re afraid you can’t do, become an even more powerful creator with gratitude. Find reasons to be grateful for all that is, as you remember, you’re the creator of your experience and your positive, grateful thoughts are the key to creating a successful, stress-free life.