Do women have a prostate? Although women lack a prostate gland, they do have Skene’s glands. The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and PSA phosphatase (PSAP), two enzymes that specialists use to assess the status of the prostate in men, are found in this set of glands and ducts in the entrance of the vagina.
Prostate cancer in women makes up only 0.003 percent of all genital malignancies Let’s take a closer look at female prostate cancer.
Do Women Have A Prostate Gland?
Do women have a prostate gland is a topic that is frequently discussed. There is no prostate gland in women. Instead, “Skene’s glands” or “Skene’s ducts” are terms often used for small glands on the front side of the vagina.
In the late 1800s, Alexander Skene detailed these structures, and they were renamed in honor of him. The term “female prostate” is growing in popularity among scientists as they learn more about how similar it is to the prostate of a man.
The PSA and PSA phosphatase are two of the most striking similarities. It is found in both the male prostate and Skene’s glands. Small channels on either side of the urethra or the entire urethra may be the only places where the female “prostate” glands drain.
There are two parts to the urinary system: the bladder and the urethra. As a vaginal and urinary organ, the female prostate gland is a functional aspect of a woman’s anatomy.

Can Women Get Prostate Cancer?
Do women have a prostate? Cancer of the Skene’s glands is estimated to be responsible for 0.003%[1] of all cancers in the female genital-urinary tract.
The Skene’s glands may potentially be the source of cancer in neighboring organs, such as the urethra. Female prostate cancers are extremely rare.
In one instance, a woman sought medical help because of painless, long-term blood in her urine. Fortunately, she no longer had any symptoms as a result of the prostate in women being treated with radiation.
Skene’s gland cancer may be treated surgically, depending on the type of cancer, its metastasis, and other factors. Studying animals with similar reproductive systems to human females has been done by researchers for decades.
Such studies shed light on the workings of the female reproductive system and how cancer treatments may affect it. Menstruation is controlled by hormones, which are estradiol and progesterone.
In female gerbils, they are also crucial enzymes in the prostates. In a woman’s reproductive system, these data suggest that a similar concept may occur.
So do women have a prostate? The female prostates of older gerbils are also more prone to develop malignant and noncancerous lesions than the female prostates of younger gerbils. It shows that women’s Skene glands may be more susceptible to cancer as they get older.
Progesterone may play a role in the development of Skene’s gland lesions. A higher number of lesions may be linked to a prior record of pregnancy, which alters progesterone levels. According to studies[2], progesterone appears to influence the growth of lesions in gerbils.
What Are The Symptoms Of Female Prostate Cancer?
As Skene’s gland cancer is so uncommon, doctors may have a difficult time recognizing the signs and symptoms. A tumor and pain are two possible indicators. There are a variety of other urogenital disorders that can cause identical symptoms, including those affecting Skene’s glands. Other health conditions that may induce discomfort, an increase in size, or even both in the affected area include:
1. Infection
The urethra is commonly infected in cases of “female prostatitis,” according to the majority of doctors, but some study suggests[3] that the Skene’s glands may be infected instead. Different treatment is needed here than, say, for an infection in another section of the urinary system.
The female prostate can also become infected by sexually transmitted illnesses. Gonorrhea can extend from the vaginal area into the Skene’s glands.

Women with the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have abnormally high or low amounts of female reproductive hormones. As a result of having PCOS, a person may have elevated levels of male hormones. According to studies[4], those with PCOS have larger Skene’s glands. PSA levels may be greater, but experts are currently trying to figure this out.
3. Cysts And Abscesses
Inflammation and swelling can clog the ducts of the Skene glands, resulting in cysts and abscesses. Even though these problems are rare, people in their 30s and 40s are more prone to experience them.
Indications include:
- A substantial amount of mass
- Sex-related and urinary-related discomfort
- Discharge from the uterus that is unusual
- Infections of the urinary tract that recur
- Urinary incontinence
Adenofibromas are benign growths of glandular or fibrous tissue that are not malignant. These can occur in the Skene’s glands on rare occasions. In an older case report[5] from 2010, a 62-year-old woman sought medical attention after experiencing pain during intercourse and discovering a reddish-tan growth on her outer genitals. According to the doctor, this was an adenofibroma that had formed on a Skene’s gland.
What’s The Purpose Of The Female Prostate?
The morphology and functionality of the female prostate have recently been clarified thanks to advances in MRI technology. Researchers are making progress in their understanding of these glands, but there is still a long way to go.
Among men, the prostate gland is considered to be able to store disease. In light of this information, scientists are beginning to question if the Skene’s glands have comparable functions. Clinicians must understand how infection manifests itself differently in men and women when studying HIV-positive individuals.
Researchers are also interested in the fact that PSA is produced by the prostate in women. In men, the presence of PSA is a sign of prostate cancer. Breast cancer patients are also at risk of developing this condition.
In both men and women, the role of PSA may be more complex than previously thought. Patients who underwent radiation or surgery for cancer of the Skene’s glands had elevated PSA levels before treatment and decreased PSA levels after. Doctors are encouraged to monitor PSA levels during cancer treatment since this pattern of high and low PSA readings is so common.
Other Skene’s Glands Conditions
Infected Skene’s glands can damage the urethra as well. Skene’s glands can get infected by an infection of the urethra, but the reverse is also true. Although cysts may form in the gland, malignancy is extremely rare. Do women have a prostate? The following is a list of some of the most frequent Skene’s gland problems, along with symptoms to watch for:
1. UTIs

The female urethra is thought to be only 1.5 inches long, but the male urethra is considered to be 8 inches long. Women are more prone to UTIs because of this discrepancy. An increased urination rate, murky and foul urine and pain in the urethra are all symptoms of a UTI. To treat this bacterial illness, you’ll need to take antibiotics.
2. Skenitis
An infection of the Skene’s glands, called skenitis can lead to inflammation of the surrounding tissues as well. It is most commonly caused by gonorrhea. However, it can also be caused by a urinary tract infection (UTI). Skene’s glands may be the source of linked medical problems because of their proximity to the urethra. The urethra can also become infected, which can cause Skene’s glands to become infected.
There may be some similarities between the signs and symptoms of skenitis and those of a UTI, but you may also have pain in the pelvis and discomfort during sexual activity. It can be treated with antibiotics, but if it progresses, surgery may be necessary.
3. Cancer
Despite the possibility of Skene’s gland cancer, it is highly rare to see it. Untreated skenitis may lead to the development of cancerous cysts in these ducts. Cysts can obstruct the urethra, preventing you from urinating.
Frequently Asked Questions
It is quite rare. According to an old study, cancer of the Skene's glands is estimated to be responsible for 0.003% of all cancers in the female genital-urinary tract. Another possibility is that the Skene glands could be the source of cancer in other adjacent organs, like the urethra.
Yes. A thorough physical checkup may include a digital rectal exam for men to help evaluate the prostate gland. During a gynecological exam, a woman's uterus and ovaries are examined. During a digital rectal exam, other organs, for example, the bladder, can be felt.
Inflammation of the prostate gland is a symptom of prostatitis, a medical illness that affects males. An infection of the Skene's glands may be the cause of the condition known as "female prostatitis" in women. It has previously been diagnosed as a urethral infection.
Prostate cancer deaths have been attributed to heart failure and other external reasons, but urinary tract disease, pulmonary circulatory disorders, and anemia have been more frequently cited as contributing factors.
You might have wondered, do women have a prostate? Do not wait until cancer has spread to detect it, even if there are no symptoms. Preventative care is always preferable to curative treatment.