Fibromyalgia causes pain, and fatigue, and can result in problems with sleep. There are effective ways to treat the condition, including exercise and the right diet.
While some conditions, like the common cold or bacterial infection, go away with some rest and the right treatment, there are chronic diseases that have no cure. Fibromyalgia is one of these diseases. It is a condition that continues to develop and progress over time.
The impact of Fibromyalgia can feel overwhelming, disrupt your daily life, and even lead to depression. Understanding how to cope with this condition can make a big difference, which we will discuss in this post.
What Is Fibromyalgia?
We will start by considering what Fibromyalgia[1] is. It is classified as a chronic disease that causes pain in the body. It’s possible for Fibromyalgia to result in widespread pain that affects the entire body. People describe the pain they experience with fibromyalgia as a stabbing, burning, or aching sensation.
This is a very complex condition, and although a lot of research has been done, scientists are still trying to point to exact causes. It is known that Fibromyalgia often co-exists with other conditions, including certain autoimmune diseases.
With this said, Fibromyalgia itself is not considered to be an autoimmune condition as it does not cause damage to tissues in the body and is not associated with inflammatory responses.
Who Gets Fibromyalgia?
Anyone can develop Fibromyalgia, which makes it difficult for people to understand their own risk. With this said, statistics show that women are generally more likely[2] to experience the pain & irritation that comes with Fibromyalgia compared to men.
Additionally, it’s also more common for Fibromyalgia to be diagnosed in the Middle Ages, and if you have a family history of the condition, then you are also more likely to develop it. There are also certain conditions that sometimes co-exist with Fibromyalgia.
For example, the condition tends to be more common among those with chronic fatigue syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus.
What Are the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

Understanding the symptoms of Fibromyalgia makes it easier for you to determine if you might have developed the condition. Pain is the main symptom that Fibromyalgia causes. The pain is often widespread, affecting various parts throughout your body.
Pain levels associated with Fibromyalgia can range from mild to very severe[3]. The pain may not be the same every day. Some days, it will be worse than others. With Fibromyalgia, pain is usually worse in areas like the knees, hips, back, shoulders, and neck.
Pain is not the only symptom that comes with Fibromyalgia. If you have this condition, then you may also experience fatigue during the day, as well as headaches.
Certain parts of your body may also feel tender. It is also common to develop sleep problems when you have Fibromyalgia. Poor sleep can have a significant impact on your productivity during the day, making you feel tired and further contributing to the fatigue that Fibromyalgia already causes.
Some people also develop irritable bowel syndrome and painful bladder syndrome when they have Fibromyalgia. If you have the condition, it’s important to look out for symptoms of these two diseases as they can also interfere with your daily life.
These symptoms can make life hard in some cases, especially when the pain that Fibromyalgia causes is severe. In addition to the physical symptoms, Fibromyalgia is also known for causing cognitive problems.
This includes memory-related troubles, as well as poor concentration. These symptoms make it hard to focus on work, which can adversely affect your productivity.
What Are the Causes Of Fibromyalgia?
A lot of research has gone into identifying the specific causes behind Fibromyalgia. Researchers are not yet completely clear on the exact cause, but there are certain factors that they have identified over the years.
Genetic factors seem to play a significant role in the development of Fibromyalgia. It has been found that Fibromyalgia is more common in people with certain gene mutations. Additionally, there are also certain environmental factors that have been linked to the condition.
Physical trauma and infections, for example, may trigger the development of Fibromyalgia if you have these gene mutations.
In addition to these factors, evidence also shows that those individuals who have Fibromyalgia generally have certain changes in how the nervous system, as well as the brain, processes pain sensations.
Fibromyalgia Risk Factors
In addition to considering the causes of Fibromyalgia, it is also important to understand what the risk factors are. These risk factors do not guarantee you will develop the disease, but they do give you an overview of the risks that you carry.
Age and gender are two important risk factors. Your risk of Fibromyalgia is highest during your Middle Ages and if you are female. There is also evidence that a family history of the condition counts as a risk factor.
If you have Rheumatoid arthritis or another chronic condition, then this may also increase your risk of developing Fibromyalgia.
Other than these, chronic stress, existing sleep problems, depression, and anxiety are also considered potential risk factors for the condition.
What Are the Four Stages Of Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is usually categorized into four stages[4], depending on the progression of the chronic disease. When you are diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, the specialist will usually evaluate your condition to determine the current stage.
Here is an overview of the four stages:
- Stage 1: The mildest form of Fibromyalgia at which the condition is only starting to develop. Widespread pain is common in this stage, along with fatigue.
- Stage 2: As the condition progresses, it starts to cause changes in your mood, results in sleep problems, and makes it harder to focus.
- Stage 3: At stage three, the symptoms of Fibromyalgia start to worsen. This is also the stage where there is a noticeable decline in both your mental and physical well-being. You may have more noticeable hip, knee, and shoulder pain at this point.
- Stage 4: When you have stage four Fibromyalgia, the symptoms are at their worst. This stage is classified as severe levels of pain and consistent fatigue. Other symptoms of the condition also tend to become worse in stage four.
Adopting A Fibromyalgia Diet
One particularly effective way to reduce the impact that Fibromyalgia has on your body is to take a closer look at your diet. There are certain foods that can worsen the symptoms and make the condition have a more profound impact on your life. On the other hand, certain dietary habits can help to reduce these symptoms.
A balanced diet is important. Try to include whole grains, vegetables, and fruits into your diet. This can help to ensure you get your daily dose of important nutrients. You also have to consider what you currently include in your diet.
The main idea here is to reduce your exposure to processed foods, as they are loaded with sodium, sugar, and fats that are bad for your body.
Planning out several meals throughout the day without overloading your body on calories can also keep blood glucose levels stable, which is helpful when it comes to combatting fatigue.
How To Treat Fibromyalgia?

There are several treatment options for Fibromyalgia, but it is important to understand that the condition has no cure. Certain medications can help with the pain. Antidepressants can also be used to target depression and anxiety. Many people find that natural supplements are also useful, which is something that you’ll see if you look at a Flexoplex review.
If you have co-existing conditions, such as osteoarthritis, then stronger pain medication may be prescribed, alongside anti-inflammatory drugs. This can help with the management of pain medication and bring down any inflammation that these conditions are causing.
Implementing exercises can also be a helpful strategy. It can help to counter fatigue and, over time, improve the overall symptoms that you experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
What deficiency causes Fibromyalgia?
Researchers don’t know the exact reason why Fibromyalgia develops, but certain deficiencies have been linked to a higher risk of the disease. This includes a deficiency in vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin B12, selenium, and zinc. Some of these deficiencies can also contribute to muscle pain and other related symptoms.
How do you beat Fibromyalgia naturally?
Exercise, massage therapy, acupuncture, relaxation techniques, and improvements in diet are all useful strategies that can be used to naturally target the symptoms that Fibromyalgia causes.
What are the complications of Fibromyalgia?
Over time, Fibromyalgia can cause numerous complications. This includes consistent fatigue, as well as issues with sleep. Headache, painful bladder syndrome, and irritable bowel syndrome can also develop as complications of the condition. Many people with Fibromyalgia also struggle with depression and anxiety.
Can you treat Fibromyalgia with exercise?
Exercise is not a standalone treatment for Fibromyalgia and will not cure the disease, but it can be extremely helpful in reducing the symptoms you experience. Over time, this strategy can also help to reduce the sensation of tender points.
Fibromyalgia is a condition that has no cure, but that does not mean effective management strategies do not exist. Focusing on sleep, mental health, exercise, and a healthy diet can provide significant improvements in the symptoms you experience. There are also pharmaceutical treatments that can help with pain, as well as reduce the rate at which Fibromyalgia progress.