At this time, our greatest enemy is the COVID-19. This pandemic has changed the way we live. As we go through this very difficult time in our lives, we need to be mindful and cautious about our health. If we remain socially distant and practice good personal hygiene, we can stop its spread. In addition to all this, staying fit and healthy should be our utmost priority.

Nutritional Recommendations During COVID-19

The following are the dietary guidelines and recommendations from the World Health Organization and other nutrition societies on maintaining health and wellness during the COVID-19:

Proper nutrition. At least five (5) servings of fruits and vegetables. Avoid junk foods or processed foods. Focus on eating an antioxidant-rich diet containing nuts and olive oil.

Hydration. Drink at least 1.5 to 2 L of mixed fluids daily.

Supplementation. Particularly Vitamin C, for people who are at risk of respiratory infections.

Probiotics consumption. In case of diarrhea.

Cleaning fruits and vegetables properly under cold, running water before consumption.

Sunlight exposure. Enjoying sunshine for 15 to 20 minutes daily to promote Vitamin D synthesis.

How to Prepare Food in the Kitchen Safely and Virus-Free?

Presently, there is no conclusive evidence that suggests the transmission of COVID-19 to food. Yet, it is better safe than sorry. Here are some tips on how to maintain a healthy kitchen and safe grocery shopping:

  • Wearing a face mask or covering at all times.
  • Washing hands for 20 seconds, especially before and after food handling, breastfeeding, and touching common items and surfaces. When hand washing is not an option, use a hand sanitizer.
  • Maintaining social distancing wherever.
  • Separating cooked and raw food in the refrigerator. That includes using different chopping boards for meats and fruits or vegetables.
  • Cooking food thoroughly.
  • Routinely cleaning the house and disinfecting surfaces and common areas.
prepare food in the kitchen

Maintaining an Active and Healthy Routine during COVID-19

The following are some steps on how to stay healthy physically, mentally, and socially during the outbreak:

Keep Moving

There are many proven benefits of regular exercise in physical and mental health. It does not only thwart chronic conditions such as stroke, diabetes, and obesity but more than that, staying active strengthens the immune system.

The World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Try to exercise as much as you can, may it be indoor or outdoor. Make home-based exercise fun and exciting by doing it with a friend, pet, or a loved one.

Have a night of good sleep

The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7 to 9 hours of sleep for adults ages 18 years old and above. The importance of sleep during a global pandemic is a critical element for a healthy body system.

It helps boost immunity by forming immune T cells that help fight infection. Good sleep makes you sick less often and lessens your risk of contracting illnesses.

Eat Cautiously

While it’s very tempting to eat crap foods during the lockdown, people should understand how proper nutrition can help fight against the COVID-19. Eating cautiously and healthily is a low-cost measure to defeat the virus.

Consume macronutrients and micronutrients by eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts daily. Eat more seafood, and limit intake of red meat 1 to 2 times a week and poultry 2 to 3 times a week.

Prioritize Self-Care

Taking care of yourself means being healthy physically and mentally. It’s all about awareness of what your body and mind need. Getting up early, enjoying the sun heat, washing up face, and applying your favorite toner are simple ways of taking care of yourself.

Self-care does not only make you feel good but also promotes physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

prioritize self-care

Supplement Health

Besides eating healthily and cautiously, taking dietary supplements help boost immunity. The Financial Times reports that there is a towering demand for nutritional supplements during the outbreak. The Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection examines the immunomodulatory function of Vitamins D, C, and E, and how they play a role in coronavirus (covid-19) prevention. Dietary supplements do not treat or cure viruses but optimize immunity against them.


The impact of COVID-19 on physical and mental health is beyond words. It brings fear, anxiety, and worries to the majority of the people – and not all are coping very well. Stress is a silent killer.

It does not only impinge on physical health, but stress makes you susceptible to depression and dementia. Thus, a positive mindset is paramount. Manage stress and anxiety during this difficult time by meditation, talking to loved ones, doing charity work, setting boundaries around social media and technology stressors, connecting with nature, and pampering yourself!

Maintain Relationships

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, people feel lonely and isolated. With social distancing measures in place, staying connected, and keeping relationships intimate seems to be very challenging – yet possible. Thanks to the ever-growing technology! It helps build community.

Almost everything nowadays happens digitally, videoconferencing, selling products, concerts, classes, events – you name it! Indeed, nothing can outmatch the sense of touch, but the virtual environment undeniably helps scale down the emotional impact of the pandemic disease.

Get into Gardening

Many people seem to start loving plants during the outbreak. Whether you have a green thumb or not, the idea of being confined for months has led people to be creative and productive not only inside their homes but it has extended to gardens too!

The love for plants and gardening has reached the virtual world turning it into a sudden venture. Caring for plants has changed the mental perspective of many people. For so many, it brings joy and hope and buoying spirits.

get into gardening

Ways on How to Improve Access to Food During the COVID-19 Outbreak

The following are measures on how to maintain the availability of food while staying healthy during the pandemic:

  • Eat mindfully. Avoid unnecessary snacking. Consume a well-balanced diet, and focus on protein-rich sources to improve satiety.
  • Strengthen the immune system by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Consider taking nutritional supplements.
  • Stay fit & healthy during COVID-19 by regular exercise and avoiding smoking and alcohol.
  • Avoid hoarding and panic-buying. Be considerate to others, especially the shift workers.
  • Identify and extend help to communities who have problems with food supply and accessibility.
  • Learn how to finance a budget on food purchases.

Final Words

The impact of COVD -19 on people’s health and lifestyle is extensive and indescribable. People are encouraged to eat healthily and stay active to lessen the morbidity and mortality rates associated with COVID-19.

While there is no confirmation of transmission of the virus to food, proper food handling, and food hygiene should be strictly followed at all times. 2020 is a tough year! But on a positive note, it is teaching everybody a lesson – to think about what matters most in life, which include a relationship with our Maker and people around us, self-care, and care for others.