Interview With Fitness Enthusiast Gail Gensler (Image Credit: Shutterstock); Author picture – (Image Credit: Author)
Home » Expert Interview » Interview With Fitness Enthusiast Gail Gensler
Written By Gail Gensler, Fitness Enthusiast
Gail Gensler is a 60 year young pro aging fitness enthusiast. Her goal is to change the narrative about aging through fitness and embracing a healthy lifestyle. She inspires younger generations to not " fear the years" and motivates her peers to never take their wellness for granted. She is…
I am 60-year young, a PRO AGING fitness enthusiast originally from New York but living in Miami.
My aim is to change the narrative about aging through fitness and embrace a healthy lifestyle. I inspire younger generations to not “fear the years” and to motivate my peers to never take their health and wellness for granted.
In this age of inclusivity, it’s amazing to me that ageism still exists. About 2 years ago, I started noticing commercials on TV depicting people my age in a very specific way. Either they were sick and needed medication, or their lifestyle was very docile and relaxed. They certainly didn’t reflect my lifestyle at all! I realized that brands did not utilize people who looked and acted like me! I realized that I would be THAT change agent.
It was then that I realized my mission included breaking the ageism barrier.
Brands must understand the purchasing power of midlife women. We need to be represented by actual and real women – not 20-year-old skinny models – showcasing their clothes, especially in fitness clothes.
I am still in beast mode doing HIIT classes and boxing. I refuse to be stereotyped as an aged person who only has the stamina to take a walk. There are so many powerful, vibrant women in midlife! Why is there still institutional ageism?
I entered the midlife space on Instagram a little over a year ago – quite intentionally at the beginning of the pandemic. I’m a believer in finding opportunities in what seems to be inopportune situations. This is because I am a forward-thinking and optimistic person. I realized that so many people who occupied this space would have no choice but to retreat, leaving more room for me to make my appearance!
I came to find so many powerful, vibrant, gorgeous women in my contemporary and realized that I could add my very unique perspective to these collective voices. There’s power in collaboration – there’s room enough for all of us to succeed!
No one uses boxing as the primary modality to convey their pro-aging mindset message – just me! I am different in that I’m not selling anything personally. I’m not a personal trainer, nor selling a product. I’m selling ME – the inspiration and motivation that drives me to be the best version of myself. I can be every day, regardless of age! I am able to articulate that very well in speaking and writing.
That’s my unique selling competency, as well as my background in sales and public speaking.
I am an everyday woman who has an inordinate amount of discipline and energy. I LOVE to work out – it’s my passion! I never stop challenging myself and never say no to a new experience.
I am a great leader, motivator, and a tremendous inspiration to many generations.
Having a perfectly curated feed is done by my incredible social media team, Stellar Media Agency.
They know exactly how to convey my message in an interesting conversational way that lets my BIG personality come through. They have coached me and helped me to understand not to try to always be “perfect” – people want to see the real, imperfect Gail!
I endeavor to be engaging, interesting, and informative while always being authentic and transparent.
I have always enjoyed being very busy. There’s a saying, “if you want something done, give it to the busiest person you know.” I have a full-time job (been at my company for 22 years) and am very active in my condo community as an advisory to our board.
I wake up at 4:30 am, am in the gym at 6:00 am, at work at 8:00 am, and once home at 4:30 pm, I am working on this side endeavor. I go to sleep rather early as I must get my 8 hours, follow a keto or intermittent fasting protocol and have a lovely group of friends and an incredible daughter.
I am extremely active as an ambassador with my brands, who have entrusted me to represent them.
The key is to stay engaged and NEVER stop contributing and adding value.
I have added to the team helping me by also having a publicity agent, modeling agent, producer, and editor. As I grow, I want to ensure that I am doing so in a professional manner and am self-aware enough to understand that I need their guidance!
I have been a guest on many podcasts, live shows, and am now published on a monthly basis in several magazines with guest appearances in others. I have recently produced my first fitness/fashion event (a huge success) and have more scheduled. One of my goals is to add motivational public speaking to the activities I do. I will never say no to a new challenge – I even auditioned for a TV show in Hollywood!
I am growing the brands I represent and am looking at other brands whose message is aligned with mine as I want to be authentically behind the brands I represent.
I will be THAT model – the face of the big fitness brands as they begin to realize that they are leaving enormous sums of money on the table by not utilizing women like me in their ads.
I will be THAT woman who provides the motivation and inspiration to my peers so that they don’t cave in to societal pressures that dictate what we should wear, enjoy, and certainly the type of workouts we do!
I will be THAT woman who conveys to younger generations what 60 and beyond looks like if you stay healthy, fit, vibrant, and take good care of yourself.
Never give up on your goals and dreams – it’s never too late, and you are NEVER too old.
BE YOU, DO YOU, FOR YOU. It’s your journey – your one life.
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