Introduction – Prostate Cancer

The most common type of skin cancer among men is prostate cancer. Cells in almost any part of the body can become cancerous and can spread to other places. Prostate cancer occurs as a result of the cells in the prostate gland growing in an uncontrollable manner. This area of the body is found just below the bladder and in front of the rectum.

The prostate changes in size with age, usually being about the size of a walnut in young males and then becoming much larger over the years. The function of the prostate, which is a body part specific to males, is to help produce fluid for semen. The tube that carries urine and semen out of the body goes directly through the prostate.

This type of cancer is called adenocarcinoma because it develops from the glands. There are a few different types of prostate cancer which include small cell carcinomas, neuroendocrine tumors, sarcomas, and transitional cell carcinomas. Some grow quicker and faster than others. Oddly enough, a person can go through life not even knowing that had this cancer.

Prostate cancer is rare in men younger than 40. After age 50 the risk greatly increases. It most often occurs in African-American males, is more common in North American, northwestern Europe, the Caribbean Islands, and Australia.

It seems to run in families, making the genetic factor a major risk factor. Early detection involves screening. This can be done by testing for the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in a man’s blood or it can be found by digital rectal exam (DRE), which involves the doctor puts a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum to feel the prostate gland.


Symptoms might include problems urinating, blood in the urine or semen, loss of bladder or bowel control, erectile dysfunction, or a weak and slow urinary tract system.

There are different treatment options available upon diagnosis. One can always start with active surveillance. After this, options include surgery (removal), radiation therapy, cryotherapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, or vaccine treatment.

Prostate Therapy

Depending on the stage and grade, age and expected life span, you and your doctor’s opinion, and the success rate of a treatment type specifically for you.


One in nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. It is the second leading cause of death among men. About 1 in every 41 men diagnosed with die. However, most diagnosed do not die from it and it is treatable.


Early detection is extremely important and no matter how uncomfortable or private this diagnosis can be; it is common and it can be treated, but it takes being proactive for your health. Yearly physical examinations are the starting point for health assessment.

This is not a condition to keep private just because it is a private body part. Also, seeking help and having regular check-ups are two proactive measures that cannot be ignored. Cancer in any form will not let your body ignore what is occurring.

This experience is shared by many males and sometimes relating to others and sharing your story had the power to help others. Moreover, support and assistance go a long way and learning from others sometimes is the best way to get the message across.
Don’t compromise the quality of life with shame and embarrassment. You can’t control cancer but you can control your attitude and mindset.