While some people have problems falling asleep, some have issues like talking in their sleep. Sleep talking may not necessarily be harmful, but it could lead to revealing deep secrets or even saying something embarrassing. Read through to learn more about sleep talking, its causes and symptoms, and the possible strategies to prevent it from recurring.
What is sleep talking?
Sleep talking is also called somniloquy and it is considered a sleeping disorder. Little is known about its causes but it has been linked to stress and mental health conditions. It’s also a very common behavioral element[1] that affects a lot of people, particularly adolescents.
Sleep talking may manifest among people differently. Sometimes, it may sound like gibberish and simple mumbling. In other cases, people speak proper and full sentences in their sleep.
While sleep talking isn’t considered to be a harmful sleep disorder, some would take it very seriously especially if the occurrence is becoming bothersome.
Stage and severity
Sleep talking can happen in different stages of sleep[2]. The stages in your sleep cycles may indicate the clarity of your utterances while sleeping.
If you’re talking in your sleep during stages one and two, comprehensible sentences may form and anyone listening will be able to make out what you’re saying. Sleep talkers may create groaning or moaning sounds during stages three and four. These are incomprehensible and difficult to understand.
The levels of severity of this sleep disorder can also be classified into three: mild, moderate, and severe.
If your bed partner tells you that you talk in your sleep about once a month, then your case is mild. If it occurs once a week, you have a moderate case. If the frequency counts most of the nights, then it’s considered severe. However, it is worth noting that while your case is severe, it should not directly harm your overall health.
Who talks in their sleep?
Researchers have found that about 50% of all children[3] talk in their sleep. It remains quite common with about 5% of the adult population.
At this point, you might want to ask a question like “ Is sleeptalking a sign of mental illness? People who have anxiety or other mental health conditions may manifest sleep talking. Moreover, if the onset of frequent sleeptalking is after the age of 25, it is more likely a sign of depression.
While there is a connection between sleep talking and mental conditions, it is quite possible for people with sound mental health to talk in their sleep. People who are sleep-deprived and stressed are also more likely to sleep talk.
Symptoms of talking in your sleep
You wouldn’t know you are sleep talking unless your partner or housemates tell you so. When you wake up in the morning, you won’t remember any of your sleep-talking episodes.
It is difficult to know whether or not you are sleep talking especially if you’re living by yourself. If you do suspect that you are talking in your sleep, set up a video recorder to capture your sleep overnight. This should provide you with evidence to better understand sleep behaviors.
Sometimes, sleep talking may be caused by an underlying sleep disorder such as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can also make you feel tired during the day.
What causes sleep talking?
Another interesting question that you might want to ask is, “Why do people talk in their sleep?” There are ongoing studies about the prevalence of sleep talking among people. Some researchers make observations of people who talk in their sleep to form theories regarding this condition.
As we’ve mentioned, people with mental disorders are more likely to sleep talk. However, sleep talking can also happen due to the following risk factors:
- Being sleep-deprived.
- Feeling sick or having a fever.
- Drinking alcohol before you go to bed.
Nightmares and sleepwalking are other forms of parasomnia that are concurrent with sleep talking episodes.
How is sleep-talking treated?
There aren’t any specific treatments that doctors use on patients who complain about sleep talking. Since this sleep disorder isn’t considered a serious medical problem, your doctor might not prescribe any medications for you.
However, there are two factors to consider when it comes to addressing sleep talking.
First, determine how this sleep disorder affects you. While sleep talking won’t directly interfere with your sleep, you might feel awkward towards your partner if you accidentally spill sensitive matters in your sleep.
Understanding the reasons why this is happening is a great way to start your journey on how to stop sleep talking. If you are suffering from a mental disorder or perhaps you have extremely high stress levels, you are more likely to fall into sleep-talking episodes. The information above should give you a better understanding of the possible causes of why you might be talking in your sleep.
A sleep doctor can also help you understand your condition. However, it is essential to disclose all your symptoms and your current overall wellness. You should also mention your night eating habits if possible. Sleep experts will analyze your situation and the symptoms that you’re experiencing. They can develop a management plan to reduce your sleep-talking episodes.
Another factor to note is the person whom you are sharing your bed with. It would be a great consideration to find ways to minimize the troubles in their night’s rest. Establish strategies that can minimize the possible disruptions caused by your sleep talking.
Wearing earplugs is a good technique for your partner. This is a great way to avoid waking them up during the night and allow them to have a restful sleep. You and your partner might want to consider having a white noise machine in the room. This can effectively mask your talking, fostering better sleep for them. It will be beneficial for both you and your partner.

How can people reduce the amount of their sleep talking?
While there are no cures available for sleep talking, there are still other things you can do to reduce how much you talk while sleeping.
Stress management and addressing potential mental problems are important steps. Assessing your life situation and identifying your stressors, then changing your lifestyle can help you cope with stress.
Another excellent way to reduce this disruptive sleep manifestation is to establish a healthy supplement regimen. Including the deep sleep gummies in your health regimen will provide you with the optimum benefits of quality sleep every night. This supplement contains ingredients that help you feel calmer and make it easier to get your mind off things. When you’re calm and relaxed, you and your partner will have better sleep and fewer disruptions.
Antidepressant medications can be very helpful for people with depression. Moreover, if you’re struggling with sleep apnea, discuss the use of a CPAP machine with your doctor. This can help reduce the impact of sleep apnea on your night’s rest.
Can sleep talking reveal secrets?
Yes, there have been several cases and stories where people revealed secrets when they talked in their sleep. However, what you say in your sleep differs from one person to another. Whatever you have on your mind might be the subject of your unconscious revelations.
Is sleep talking a serious condition?
Sleep talking shouldn’t be considered a harmful problem. It’s not a health condition, but there are cases where secrets or fantasies are unconsciously revealed. These could potentially put relationships in jeopardy.
Can sleep talking be cured?
There is no definite cure for sleep talking. If your sleep talking becomes bothersome, You and your partner can discuss using a white noise machine and or earplugs. Consulting a sleep expert is also an excellent option.
Talking in your sleep isn’t serious or harmful. It is the awkwardness and embarrassment that make it bothersome. It’s not only wearisome between partners, but also a danger that could potentially ruin relationships. Understanding the possible causes and underlying health conditions should help you establish a management plan to reduce its occurrence. Your healthcare provider should also be able to aid you in addressing this sleep behavior. Relaxing, calming, and sleep-inducing natural supplements provide you with better-quality sleep allowing you to wake up feeling rested and refreshed.