Even before Covid-19, the prevalence of mental illness among adults was increasing all the time.
Just a few years back, in 2017-2018, 19% of adults experienced a mental illness. The numbers increased by 1.5 million people! Can you see the importance of mental health day?
What Is World Mental Health Day?
The 10th of October is dedicated to World Mental Health Day. Mental health problems have always been around for centuries[2] and are on the increase.
And Covid-19 has exacerbated mental health a great deal more, affecting the very young to the very old.
Many people’s lives have changed dramatically over the past 18 months or so as a result of Covid-19.
Millions of people are feeling trapped like they are in a tight box. Thousands have lost their loved ones without the chance to even say goodbye.
Imagine the emotional stress! To combat their fears, many people are reaching out to harmful drugs and alcohol abuse.
Thousands are self-harming themselves while having suicidal thoughts.
The History of World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day was celebrated on the 10th of October 1992 for the first time. It was the idea of Deputy Secretary-General Richard Hunter[3].
In 1994, the day had no specific theme – the aim was just to promote and advocate the importance of mental health day among the public. A theme for the day was suggested.
In the three years since its start, the day has already become a valuable time for interested organizations, government departments, and individuals to arrange themes and programs to focus on this ever-growing problem of mental health care.
The theme in 2019 was Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention. In 2020, the theme was Move for Mental Health and in 2021, the theme for World Mental Health Day is Mental Health in an Unequal World.
It is not a one-day event – the preparations begin months beforehand. This event has become a long-term educational effort.
How to Observe World Mental Health Day?
The importance of mental health day is reflected by stakeholders who aim to promote mental health and talk about their work. It is all about increasing self-awareness to keep every person’s mental health.
Its significance applies as well to the man in the street – the importance of practicing self-care when one suffers from emotional stress.
One good way is to develop a habit that nourishes your mental health every day. Eating healthily, exercising regularly, meditating, seeking counseling, volunteering, and being grateful are things that promote better health. They are just a few inexpensive and effective ways to celebrate this day.
The Importance of Mental Health Day
It is extremely important. It was established to raise mental health awareness so that each one of us can contribute.
It is crucial to ensure that those that live with mental illness can live better, dignified lives.
This year, with the theme being “mental health in an unequal world,” people will share stories, facts, and videos about many inequalities that people with mental health face.
All are invited to join Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter channels to help spread the message about the importance of mental health day.
What Can We Do to Emphasize the Importance of Mental Health Day?
If you feel you are a person who has experienced inequality while trying to find mental health support, you can share your story.
Get in touch with Rethink Mental Illness[4] and email them at with details about your situation. Look at these great ways you can support World Mental Health Day at work and everywhere else.
Educate yourself about mental health.
Try and advocate for wellness programs in the workplace.
Practice being kind to those with mental illness and emotional stress.
Show and offer support to your friends and loved ones.
Speak out about the importance of mental health day.
Some Interesting Stats and Facts About Mental Health
Did you know that
That one in 5 young people from 13 to 18 will develop a mental illness over their lifetime Depression and emotional stress is on the rise among all age groups, but particularly among young adults and teens
Common signs of mental health problems include extreme mood swings, excessive fear, and worry, changes in eating habits, inability to concentrate, avoiding friends and family, and not participating in social activities
More than one in four adults who are living with serious mental illnesses; even emotional stress, struggle with substance abuse
Mental health affects how we act, feel, think, handle emotional stress, and relate to others, as well. Having stable mental health is vital throughout our lives, from childhood into adulthood. Physical health and mental health are both equally important in terms of your overall health.
It is soon World Mental Health Day!
Don’t go through your depression alone. Get help!
For parents who believe their children are depressed or suicidal, know this!
Here are valuable numbers to call[5]!