Overview Of African Mango Plus

Maintaining the right energy balance is the key to maintaining a healthy weight. Obesity or overweight occurs when the energy intake is greater than energy expenditure. It always seems easier to put on pounds than to drop them because the calorie intake often exceeds calorie expenditure.

People starve, join a gym, or buy weight loss supplements as they struggle with weight loss. While diet and exercise play a role in weight loss management, health experts frown when talking about the efficacy of weight loss supplements. The unregulated tag makes them an object under scrutiny for health reasons.

African Mango Plus is a weight loss supplement. Consumption of the product comes with the promises of weight loss, increased metabolism, increased fat oxidation, improved energy, and lowering fatigue.

Here we tell you what you need to know about African Mango Plus and share African Mango Plus Reviews to help you decide if it’s a good product to try.

How Does African Mango Plus Work?

African Mango Plus is formulated with green tea leaf extract, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), caffeine, African mango extract, and l-theanine. The formula promises to help weight loss by improving metabolism and fat oxidation and increasing energy. The ingredients have proven studies to confirm their efficacy.

Green tea leaf extract is full of polyphenol catechins and caffeine. EGCG, the most active and abundant catechin in green tea leaf extract, reduces calorie intake. EGCG also reduces adipose tissue weight gain, according to an animal study.

African mango extract is obtained from the seed of the food. Emerging studies suggest its ability to enhance metabolism, reduce body weight, slim waist circumference, and improve blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Caffeine stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. It triggers the breakdown of fat cells, suppresses hunger, and promotes fullness. A study confirms that caffeine intake increases the maximal fat oxidation rate before aerobic exercise.

Who Is The Manufacturer Of African Mango Plus?

African Mango Plus distributes the product. Unfortunately, there’s no information on the manufacturer. The product lacks an official website.

The makers don’t disclose anything about sourcing the ingredients and manufacturing details a consumer should know. Furthermore, African Mango Plus Reviews by buyers are not available to determine how the product works. The lack of information on the makers gives the product wobbly feet.

African Mango Plus

African Mango Plus Review – Health Web Magazine Images

What Are The Ingredients In African Mango Plus?

As there’s no official website, we had to rely on arbitrary online information. African Mango Plus may contain:

Green Tea Leaf Extract – Green tea leaf extract is rich in catechins. The beneficial effects of catechins on energy and fat metabolism have caught the researcher’s attention. A stream of studies has proven GTE’s multiple therapeutic benefits, including improving cardiovascular health and promoting weight loss.

As this study mentions, consumption of GTE[1] for 12 weeks has significantly decreased the body weight, waist, and hip circumference, BMI, and body fat mass in Japanese men and women having visceral fat-type obesity.

Caffeine – A blend of green tea and caffeine may help fight weight gain. Caffeine consumption has always been linked to appetite suppression, fat-burning, improvement of insulin sensitivity, and bodyweight reduction. As this trial confirms, high caffeine consumers lost more weight, fat mass, and waist circumference than low caffeine consumers.
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) – Epigallocatechin gallate is the most abundant catechin in the green tea leaf extract. EGCG has been linked to many health benefits, including cardiovascular, metabolic, and neuroprotective benefits[2].

Epigallocatechin gallate helps boost weight loss by increasing energy expenditure above basal metabolic rate. It inhibits catechol-O-methyltransferase to stimulate thermogenesis, as this study mentions.

African Mango ExtractIrvingiagabonensis or African mango seed extract is considered an efficient tool for weight reduction. The initial studies look promising as a 10-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study confirms its ability to reduce body weight, body fat, waist size. Additionally, the study highlights the anti-diabetic, antioxidant, and anti-amylase properties.
L-theanine – L-theanine is an amino acid found in green tea and offers several health benefits. The phytochemical may be beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety and lowering fatigue. Regular green tea consumption may boost and stabilize mood and increase energy.

The Science Behind African Mango Plus

African Mango Plus is a blend of a few ingredients studied for their ability to reduce weight, improve blood sugar, and improve mood, cognition, and energy. The blend utilizes catechins and caffeine for aiding weight reduction. The blend of caffeine and green tea extract impacts metabolic syndrome.

Caffeine alone may impact the energy balance by lowering energy intake and accelerating energy expenditure. This study discusses the possible mechanisms of caffeine’s thermogenic actions. One of the blend’s ingredients, l-theanine, downregulates the excitatory brain chemicals and reduces stress and anxiety symptoms.

It also helps maintain weight by promoting calm and improving sleep. The blend of caffeine and l-theanine may increase focus and alertness and help you stick to your weight loss goals. Initial findings of African mango seed extract indicate its efficaciousness as a weight loss agent.

What Are The Benefits Of African Mango Plus?

  • The supplement may help with weight loss.
  • It might improve blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides.
  • African Mango Plus may help reduce fatigue.
  • It may improve energy, alertness, and focus.

What Are The Drawbacks Of African Mango Plus?

  • There are unauthentic African Mango Plus Reviews.
  • The product has no official website and is not available in leading online stores.
  • African Mango Plus may be out of the market.

FAQs: Consumer Questions & Answers

In our research for this report, we found that consumers are frequently asking the following questions online in regard to African Mango Plus.

The ingredients include stimulants. African Mango extract is a less studied ingredient. The combination of l-theanine and caffeine may not always work.

As the product has no official website, there's no pricing information.

The makers suggest taking one capsule 20 minutes before breakfast and 20 minutes before lunch. The product may work best if taken in conjunction with exercise. The makers suggest consuming a healthy diet while taking this product.

We could not find information regarding a free trial or refund policy.

African Mango Plus combines efficient ingredients for weight loss. However, the non-existing brand value of the product does not make it a good product to try.

The product is high in caffeine and may cause side effects such as nervousness, restlessness, and irritability. The makers warn against taking this within five hours of bedtime.

Possible interactions of African mango extract are not fully known. Persons under medication should consult physicians before consumption.

One may hardly recommend a product without knowing the manufacturing details. Many weight loss supplements contain hidden ingredients, and consumers should buy reputable brands to avoid health disasters.

What Are Consumers Saying About African Mango Plus?

Available African Mango Plus Reviews by buyers are small in numbers.