Best 2025 Anxiety Supplements that Provide Relief to The Anxious Person

Mrinalini Sachan


Mrinalini Sachan

Written By Mrinalini Sachan, Health Writer, Beauty Blogger, Digital Marketer

Mrinalini started her career as an engineer who worked on medical devices. Her interest in the health and wellness space combined with her passion for writing steered her career toward becoming a health writer. She has worked as a freelance content writer for various health and beauty websites and startups…


Anxiety supplements

In this Article


Anxiety disorders are a common mental health concern on a global scale. Anxiety is often accompanied by physical pain and high stress that can affect the quality of your life. Moreover, it can be a hindrance in your personal life and also impact your performance at work. Ultimately, prompt treatment of anxiety is essential.

In today’s stressful environment, it may become hard to distinguish between everyday stress and an anxiety disorder. If you feel stressed out more often than not, you should analyze and record your symptoms. This will allow you to recognize whether or not your symptoms match those of an anxiety disorder. You can also seek medical attention or make lifestyle changes to address these manifestations.

What Is Anxiety?

The primary difference between day-to-day stress and an anxiety disorder is that the latter is marked by frequent and severe anxiety. Anxiety refers to a feeling of severe panic and worry and is often accompanied by physical symptoms like headaches, sweating, and breathlessness.

General anxiety disorder is when you feel consistent worry or stress about everyday scenarios. On the other hand, specific anxiety disorders may have specific triggers, such as social anxiety, exacerbated by social encounters. If the stress or anxiety affects your everyday mood, deteriorates your work performance, or is causing physical symptoms, top-rated anxiety supplements can help you out.

Ways to Manage Anxiety & Stress

Manage Anxiety and Stress

The right diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, psychotherapy, and medications can be great ways to manage anxiety, depending on the severity of symptoms. In the cases of mild anxiety, the best anxiety supplements, along with calming activities can help.

However, if your anxiety is severe, it is best to consult a medical professional for the right course of treatment. They can prescribe anxiety medications and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to reduce the episodes.

The Mechanism of Action of Anxiety Supplements

There are various supplements for anxiety present on the market. Most of these supplements tackle the root cause of anxiety, which is low serotonin and vitamin or iron deficiencies. These supplements often contain natural ingredients that are rich in vitamins and minerals that boost brain health.

They may also contain ingredients with serotonin-boosting properties that help to uplift the mood. Furthermore, some supplements help to lower cortisol levels in the body, which reduces stress. Anxiety supplements may alleviate mild anxiety without medications or therapy.

What Ingredients to Look for in Anxiety Supplements?

The best supplements for anxiety contain some of the following ingredients that boost brain function:

  • Vitamin B Complex
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • L-Theanine
  • GABA
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  • Multivitamins
  • Other minerals such as Zinc

Studies have found that herbal supplements such as Passionflower or Kava extracts can treat anxiety symptoms. Other herbs that are commonly found in anxiety supplements include Ashwagandha and Lemon Balm.

#1 Serelax

Quality of Ingredients*
Potential to Improve Sleep Pattern*
Relieve Feelings of Stress & Anxiety*
Supports Mental Focus & Clarity*
Induce Calmness & Tranquility*

Serelax is an organic anxiety supplement that combats panic attacks and stress. It also boosts your mood and relaxes your mind. The primary ingredients in Serelax are L-Theanine, Kava Kava, Passionflower, and GABA, which have been proven in clinical trials to reduce the levels of stress hormones. Additionally, it contains several herbs that can calm the mind. These elements are known to be effective against anxiety and depression. Serelax reviews online are overwhelmingly positive and users claim that the supplement boosted their mood and induced tranquility. You can try this herbal supplement to tackle the symptoms of anxiety disorders.


  • In a survey, 91% of users experienced a calmer, more relaxed mind within the first 4 weeks
  • 91% of users reported a reduction in their anxiety, stress level, and increased overall feelings of happiness
  • 82% of users had improved concentration & productivity at work within the first 4 weeks
  • 82% of users reported fewer negative thoughts
  • 82% of users woke up feeling rested and refreshed
  • 82% of users reported feeling motivated to work out and fell asleep more easily
  • 73% of users experience relief from their anxiety within just 30 minutes of taking SereIax
  • Enhances overall thoughts & quality of life
  • Offers a no-hassle 60-day money-back guarantee
  • Includes safe ingredients with no artificial or chemical substances
  • Customers are not required to sign up for an auto-shipping delivery


  • Stock is sometimes low due to high consumer demand
  • SereIax is only available for purchase online

The Bottom Line

SereIax is a powerful, all-natural supplement that rapidly reduces feelings of anxiety and stress while promoting a feeling of greater calmness and emotional well-being. In a survey, 91% of users experienced a calmer, more relaxed mind within the first 4 weeks!

Unlike some brands of stress relief supplements that only work on one or two issues, the comprehensive SereIax formula provides complete support with additional benefits for cognitive and physical health. In a survey, 91% of users reported a reduction in their anxiety, and stress levels, and increased overall feelings of happiness. 82% of users had improved concentration & productivity at work within the first 4 weeks.


Serelax Graph
Serelax Graph

In a survey, 82% of users reported fewer negative thoughts and woke up feeling rested and refreshed. 82% of users reported feeling motivated to work out and fell asleep more easily. 73% of users experience relief from their anxiety within just 30 minutes of taking SereIax. It should also be noted, that SereIax produces all these incredible benefits without ever causing harmful side effects or becoming addictive.

The manufacturer of SereIax offers a solid, no-hassle money-back guarantee of 60 days and ships the product discreetly for customer privacy. After seeing its fast-acting results for ourselves, we’re certain that anyone trying this product will be as impressed as we are and within no time enjoy a better quality of life free from stress and anxiety

2. Brillia

Brillia is one of the homeopathic supplements for anxiety. It contains antibodies for the S-100B protein found in the brain. This protein can impact hyperactivity and anxiety. The protein antibodies present in Brillia may be able to control and reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

Brillia reviews by consumers mention that the supplement takes several weeks to show results. However, the manufacturer has not published clinical data for the supplement. Read our full review

3. Levium

Levium could be one of the top-rated anxiety supplements that contain GABA, Ashwagandha, and L-Theanine as some of its key ingredients. It claims to reduce chronic stress by lowering cortisol levels in the brain. Cortisol is a hormone released by our body under stress. Lowered cortisol levels can reduce stress and eliminate the signs of anxiety.

Levium reviews by consumers state that users found this supplement improved their mood. However, some customers mentioned that the liquid form of this product makes it slightly difficult to consume. Read our full review

4. Relaxia

Relaxia may be one of the best supplements for depression and anxiety that is available in gummy form. This supplement contains 5-HTP, L-Theanine, and Lemon Balm, and claims to boost serotonin and induce a sense of calm. Moreover, the gummies have a fruity flavor that makes them easy to consume.

Relaxia reviews are online quite different in their opinions. Consumers experienced some form of relief after using this supplement, although a significant number of users did not notice a difference. Read our full review

5. St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort may also be considered one of the best all-natural supplements for anxiety that contains herbal extracts. The key ingredient of this product is the extract from the flowering plant called St. John’s Wort.

This supplement claims to boost serotonin and dopamine levels in the body, thereby reducing the signs of stress. Studies suggest the key ingredient to being effective against mild depression.

St. John’s Wort reviews online are somewhat positive and consumers found it reduced some of their symptoms. However, certain people may be allergic to the natural ingredients present in this product. Read our full review

Lifestyle Tips for Overcoming Stress

Anxiety can be dealt with in many ways. Still, the best approach is to tackle it with multiple solutions. Apart from using supplements to lower your anxiety and stress, you should make some changes to your lifestyle too. Here are some of the best changes that you can make to your lifestyle to reduce your stress levels:

  • Eat a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Make sure to exercise daily. Any form of physical movement will do.
  • Keep a gratitude journal to note everything you are thankful for. This will remind you of the good things in life and reduce anxiety.
  • Avoid stress-inducing foods and habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and caffeine consumption.
  • If you get anxious at work often, then try to take breaks in an outdoor space or a sunlit area. Studies suggest that spending time with natural elements and sunlight at work can improve job satisfaction and reduce anxiety.
  • Indulge in calming activities whenever possible. These could be listening to music, gardening, taking a relaxing bath, or reading.

Avoid unnecessary stressors, such as the news and social media. Limit your screen time to a minimum to keep disturbing thoughts away.

Practice mindful breathing and meditation to appreciate the present and not worry about the future.

These lifestyle tips can work effectively on their own to reduce moderate anxiety. They can even be paired with natural supplements for anxiety for quicker results.

Further, even in the cases of extreme anxiety where medications and psychotherapy are prescribed, these lifestyle changes can support the treatments for a faster recovery.

The Advantages of Anxiety Supplements

The advantages of consuming the best anxiety supplements are the following:

  • Lowered stress levels
  • Better concentration
  • Better mood and tranquility
  • Higher energy levels
  • Better quality of life
  • May eliminate the need for prescription medications or psychotherapy in the case of mild anxiety.

The Disadvantages of Anxiety Supplements

While there are minimal side effects of the top-rated anxiety supplements, here are some possible disadvantages that you should be aware of:

  • Some natural ingredients in anxiety supplements may cause allergic reactions.
  • Anxiety supplements may have side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.
  • Some supplements may disrupt sleep.
  • The ingredients of anxiety supplements may react with other medications you are consuming. Consult your doctor before using a supplement if you are on medications.

Frequently Asked Questions on Anxiety Supplements

Vitamin B complex, calcium, and magnesium are some of the best supplements for panic attacks and anxiety. Vitamin B1 helps to restore healthy blood sugar levels while vitamin B3 helps with serotonin synthesis.

Similarly, vitamin B5 supports the healthy functioning of the adrenal glands to reduce anxiety and stress. Calcium and magnesium help to reduce restlessness and irritability. They relax the tensed muscles and calm the mind.

Vitamin D is one of the best anxiety supplements to reduce social anxiety. The deficiency of vitamin D has been associated with various anxiety disorders, such as general anxiety disorder, depression, and social anxiety.

You should consume vitamin D supplements or spend enough time outdoors to soak in the sunlight. Also, omega-3 fatty acids work well in conjunction with vitamin D and help to reduce the severity and frequency of anxiety attacks.

Several over-the-counter anxiety supplements can help with mild to moderate anxiety. These supplements usually contain herbal ingredients with mood-boosting properties.

They work by addressing nutrient deficiencies that can lead to anxiety. They also suppress the stress hormones or boost the production of serotonin and dopamine for a calmer state of mind. Based on the outstanding Serelax reviews from consumers, it can help with mild and severe anxiety.

These supplements do not require any prescription, but if you are on any other medications or have allergies, consult a doctor before trying them. Also, in the cases of severe anxiety, seek medical advice for the appropriate treatment.

If you are dealing with severe stress and anxiety that is acting as a hurdle in your daily life, consult a doctor for anxiety treatment. Some of the indicators that your anxiety requires medical attention include chronic worry, physical pain, panic attacks, or severe mood swings that affect your personal and professional life.

You must not be afraid to consult a doctor because anxiety disorders are quite common and treatable too. Based on your symptoms, the doctor may suggest prescription medications and psychotherapy.

Final Words

Anxiety can act as a hurdle in your everyday life and affect your performance at work. If you had a physical injury that affected your life, you wouldn’t think twice before getting it treated. Never hesitate to seek treatment for anxiety disorders.

With the help of the best anxiety supplements and a healthy lifestyle, you can nip mild anxiety in the bud. Even in the case of severe anxiety, prescription medications and psychotherapy can restore your health and quality of life.

At the end of the day, we all have one life to live, so why not make the most of it? Do not let anxiety stand in the way of what you want your life to be. Try these tips to reduce anxiety; stay calm and live your best life!

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