If you are a man, you might have read up about the odds of you developing prostate problems and what you would need to do about it should it be you. The shocking news is that The American Cancer Society’s estimates for prostate cancer in the United States for 2021 are around 248,530 new cases of prostate cancer! It appears to occur more in older men and non-Hispanic Black men.
Problems Associated With The Prostate
The most common prostate problems[1] that men suffer from today are prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer.
Prostatitis is inflammation and swelling of the prostate whilst BPH is an enlarged prostate, which is not cancerous. This prostate gland forms part of a man’s sex organs and is about the shape and size of a walnut. Yet, it is an integral part of the male sexual anatomy along with the testicles, scrotum, and penis. It is the prostate that makes fluid which mixes with the sperm to enable a man to father children.
What Causes Prostate Problems?
Any man can develop prostate problems and prostatitis can affect men of all ages. Typically, these conditions are more common among men above 50 years. Naturally, diet, lifestyle, and exercise play a big role in what causes prostate problems, but hormonal changes in a man’s body can certainly be the underlying factor. Fats stimulate an increase in testosterone production and hormones. It is testosterone that acts to speed the growth of prostate cancer; and if the testosterone levels are high, this can stimulate dormant prostate cancer cells to be activated.
What Are The Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer?

In most cases, prostate cancer symptoms are not evident in the early stages of the disease. The symptoms of prostate cancer can be different for each man, and the symptoms could be caused by other conditions. Usually, the doctor will do routine screenings like digital rectal exams and PSA (prostate-specific androgen) tests.
Early Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer
The prostate gland is close to the bladder and the urethra. That means prostate cancer can show up as varying urinary symptoms, particularly right at the start. Sometimes, a tumor presses down and constricts the urethra preventing the proper flow of urine. It’s important to look out for the signs and see your doctor immediately if you are worried. Some early warning signs are:
- Pain or burning whilst urinating.
- Difficulty urinating; maybe trouble to stop and start while urinating.
- Needing to urinate more frequently at night.
- Decreased flow of urine.
- Loss of bladder control.
- Noticing blood in the semen or urine.
- Not easy to get an erection (erectile dysfunction).
- Painful ejaculation.
There are also advanced signs of prostate cancer to look out for too
More advanced cancer could have spread to form tumors in the bones or other organs of the body. If it spreads, it can go to the spine too and press on the spinal nerves. Signs that the cancer is more advanced are swelling in the pelvic area or legs; numbness or pain in the feet, legs, and hips; or bone pain that persists and doesn’t let up, or even leads to fractures.

What Are The Main Causes Of Prostate Enlargement?
The causes of an enlarged prostate are unknown. It is believed to be linked to hormonal changes in men as they get older. Men have hormonal imbalances [2] and these change as they get older, possibly causing the prostate to grow.
We Have 5 Best Prostate Supplements 2025 To Show You
Top supplements can deal with all the above prostate problems – they do an excellent job of keeping a man’s prostate healthy – look at the one below; you will want to go out and get these when you see what benefits they offer: