Overview Of Calm On

Chronic stress and anxiety negatively affect our physical and mental health. A prolonged period of excessive stress causes mood disorders, headaches, digestive disorders, sleep disorders, cognitive dysfunction, and many other health issues.

While there are holistic ways such as yoga, exercise, meditation to handle stress disorders, people also rely on stress supplements to tackle stress. While the efficacy of stress supplements is still not confirmed, certain herbs show promising results. Herbal extracts are rich in bioactive compounds that may help alleviate stress.

Calm On is a stress supplement that claims to support relaxation and a positive mood. Here we take a close look at its ingredients and available Calm On Reviews to help you decide if the product is good to buy.

How Does Calm On Work?

Unfortunately, the makers don’t elaborate on how the formulation works and do not share the complete ingredients list. However, the three key ingredients in the product are ashwagandha, Rhodiola, and lemon balm. These adaptogens have proven anti-fatigue, anxiolytic, neuroprotective, stress-protective, and CNS stimulating abilities.

The ingredients in the blend work synergistically to stimulate the central nervous system (CNS). Rhodiola Rosea improves cognitive functions, lowers fatigue, regulates cortisol secretion.

A therapeutic dosage of lemon balm may help lower mild-to-moderate anxiety. Meta-analysis of clinical trials on the efficaciousness of lemon balm for treating anxiety and depression confirms that lemon balm remarkably improved mean anxiety and depression scores.

Who Is The Manufacturer Of Calm On?

Calm On is a product developed and marketed by The Healthy Hamster. The company makes health supplements. The ingredients are sourced from different parts of the world.

The products are free of additives, preservatives, animal by products, and artificial colors. The official website does not publish information on manufacturing, ingredients testing, and research.

Calm On

Calm On Review – Health Web Magazine Images

What Are The Ingredients In Calm on?

Calm On contains these natural extracts:

Ashwagandha – Ashwagandha is a traditional medicinal herb and is one of the buzziest ingredients stress supplement formulators use for its alleged anxiolytic properties. The stress-resilience adaptogen helps the body to respond better when stress strikes.

Preclinical studies indicate Ashwagandha’s [1] GABA-mimetic activities. Its anxiolytic effect is similar to lorazepam, which stimulates GABA activities. A randomized, double-blind study shows that ashwagandha has sedative properties that help sleep better.

Rhodiola – Like ashwagandha, Rhodiola is also known for its adaptogenic characteristics and finds its place in stress-fighting supplements. Rhodiola Rosea helps lower stress-induced fatigue. Active compounds in Rhodiola – rosiridin, tyrosol, salidroside may give therapeutic abilities.

Here’s a study that confirms that Rhodiola extract improves cerebral cognitive functions and reduces fatigue caused by stress.

Lemon Balm – Another adaptogen in the formula, lemon balm extract exhibits sleep-inducing, anxiety-lowering abilities. Animal studies have shown that lemon balm [2]  elevated GABA levels in the brain by blocking GABA-T. Owing to its flavonoid content, lemongrass helps prevent free radical damage.

A study proves the efficacy and safety of lemon balm extract in treating agitation in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease.

The Science Behind Calm On

As the makers don’t mention much about the formulation, we assume they exploit the adaptogenic properties of the three ingredients they mention on the product’s label. Ashwagandha and Rhodiola have many similarities, they are both studied herbs. Salidroside, the active component in Rhodiola, has proven neuroprotective activity.

It stimulates the CNS and prevents neurodegenerative diseases. Tyrosol is another active component that helps prevent stress-induced depletion of catecholamines and lowers fatigue. 

Ashwagandha influences GABAergic and serotonin activity leading to antidepressant and anxiolytic effects. It also lowers the HPA activity and reduces cortisol secretion. Excessive cortisol secretion is linked to anxiety and depressive disorders.

Additionally, Aswagandha demonstrates antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemon balm plays a role in mood modulation and cognitive enhancement. 

What Are The Benefits Of Calm On?

  • The supplement is formulated with well-studied ingredients.
  • It could help with mood stabilization.
  • The product may promote better sleep.
  • Calm On may improve energy.
  • It may reduce stress and anxiety.
  • The supplement may improve cognitive functions.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Calm On?

  • The product is out of stock.
  • The official website has limited information.
  • We could not find any Calm On Reviews on the official website.
  • The makers don’t mention the ratio of the ingredients.
  • The complete ingredients list is not available.

FAQs: Consumer Questions & Answers

In our research for this report, we found that consumers are frequently asking the following questions online in regard to Calm On.

The product label mentions the ingredients and the manufacturer claims them to be 100% natural and organic. However, we have found less online reviews mentioning any benefits or side effects associated with the usage of this supplement.

Calm On is a reasonably priced product. However, it is currently out of stock.

The manufacturer offers a 30-day return period, provided the item is kept in the original packaging and the proof of purchase is retained.

Unfortunately, there's no information on the dosage. The dosage instructions recommend two tablets once a day with food. However, it is best to consult your doctor. It is not suitable for children and pregnant & nursing mothers and those with medical conditions should seek medical advice.

Health Magazine regularly publishes neutral product reviews on stress supplements.

There's no information on side effects. The lack of information on all ingredients and their ratios in the formula makes it a dubious product. It is wise to buy health supplements from renowned brands with proven market success.

Unfortunately, there's not much information on Calm On.

What Are Consumers Saying About Calm On?

We could not find Calm On Reviews by consumers on the official or retail websites. The product may be out of production.