Overview Of Femular

The brand claims that Femular and Femular Forte are non-hormonal phytotherapeutic formulas intended to improve various menopause and perimenopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, moodiness, anxiety, night sweats, fatigue, and joint discomfort.

It is made with one key ingredient and claimed to lessen menopausal symptoms in just a month, and significant relief was noticed in the third month.

The product by Flordis sells on the official website alongside other products by the brand at around the same range as many others. In this review, we will cover the ingredients, manufacturer details, Femular Reviews, and the science behind the product.

We will also discuss details like pricing, refund policy, and possible side effects. Other potential buyers will find it helpful.

How Does Femular Work?

Perimenopause and menopause are stages often accompanied by symptoms such as hot flashes, mood changes, insomnia, and night sweats. Femular is claimed to be formulated with a critical ingredient that helps to provide relief for these symptoms in a month, with significant relief noticed at three months.

The key ingredient in both formulations is black cohosh, and it is a frequently used ingredient in many natural formulations for menopause and perimenopause. However, while black cohosh is sufficient against a range of menopause symptoms like night sweats, moodiness, insomnia, headaches, and anxiety, the product itself has not undergone any third-party studies.

Who Is The Manufacturer Of Femular

Femular is a product by Flordis, a brand established in 2002. According to the brand, they are on a mission to change the way people think about healthcare by providing a range of clinically researched integrative medicines.
Their products claimed to help users achieve and maintain health naturally are said to be made using only quality clinically studied ingredients and equipment for consistently quality customers may rely on.

Again, while Flordis appears to make use of some known key ingredients, none of the products have been subjects of third-party clinical trials. That said, the products are competitively priced, and we also did not find complaints about severe adverse reactions to them.


Femular Review – Health Web Magazine Images

What Are The Ingredients In Femular?

Femular and Femular Forte both consist of one key ingredient:

Black Cohosh – Actaea racemose [1] is also known as Black Cohosh is a commonly used ingredient in natural menopause formulations. Here, it is added for its effect on menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes known as night sweats, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and irritability.

It is said to work as a result of the phytoestrogens contained that act like estrogen and help balance hormones known to fluctuate/drop significantly during menopause.

The Science Behind Femular

Femular is a natural supplement designed to provide relief for common menopause symptoms. The product is formulated with black cohosh, a key component of many menopause formulas and shown in studies to be effective against menopause symptoms such as mild anxiety, fatigue, joint pain, irritability, and sleeplessness.

The brand claims that users may expect significant improvements in their health in three months, though they may experience some relief in the first month. While Femular and Femular Forte both contain one key ingredient, the former is said to be suitable for mild to moderate symptoms of menopause, while the latter is suitable for women with moderate and severe symptoms as it contains a high concentration of the key ingredient.

What Are The Benefits Of Femular

  • It may help lessen hot flashes and night sweats.
  • Femular might help fight off moodiness and anxiety.
  • The product could help regulate hormones.
  • It may improve the overall health of women.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Femular

  • There are no third-party clinical trials on the product.
  • No free trials are provided by the makers.
  • The product may not work as quickly as needed.
  • Some side effects may possibly occur.
  • It contains a single key ingredient.

FAQs: Consumer Questions & Answers

In our research for this report, we found that consumers are frequently asking the following questions online in regard to Femular.

Femular appears to be safe. It is not recommended for pregnant women, people on prescription medications, and those with sensitivity to any of the ingredients. The product should be discontinued if serious adverse reactions are experienced.

Femular sells for around the same price as some similar products. However, pricing may vary slightly in retail stores.

The recommended dosage is one Femular tablet in the morning with or after a meal for mild symptoms. Two Femular or one Femular Forte in the morning with or after a meal for moderate to severe symptoms. The tablets should be taken at around the same time each day.

The brand does not provide free trials. They only accept returns of products damaged in transit, those incorrectly shipped, and products that are not fit for their intended purpose.

Unlike many natural menopause supplements, Femular contains just one key ingredient. It is also more expensively priced than many and user reactions may differ.

Side effects that may be experienced from the product include cramping, stomach upset, headache, rash, feeling of heaviness, vaginal bleeding, and weight gain.

Femular contains a primary ingredient that has been shown to help alleviate menopause symptoms. It is more expensively priced than many, and consumers may experience side effects on them.

What Are Consumers Saying About Femular

Femular Reviews have been favorable on some sites. Most of the reviewers claimed they noticed significant improvements or differences in their health from use though they did not state if it worked within the time frame given.