Overview Of Lean PM

There are certainly portions of the scientific community that believe that sleep is directly tied to weight loss. At least, that is what the makers of Lean PM are banking on. Indeed, there does seem to be some convincing scientific evidence to suggest that sleep quality and duration affect how the body gains and loses weight.

We will get more into the details of this possible link a bit later, but for now, you should know that Lean PM is a dietary supplement that comes in capsule form. The makers say that it will help the user lose weight as a direct result of enhanced sleep quality. To prepare for this article, we took a look at multiple Lean PM Reviews written by actual customers and investigated the formula.

How Does Lean PM Work?

Lean PM is a natural supplement that relies heavily on amino acids and other natural extracts. One of the most interesting claims about how Lean PM works is that it works without the use of caffeine or stimulants. The makers of Lean PM say that it will work without giving you the jitters or any of the other unpleasant side effects that are usually associated with supplements that contain a lot of caffeine.

The basic premise behind Lean PM is that it will help you get deeper sleep. When the body and mind are sleeping deeply, the body may burn fat. One of the more outlandish claims the makers of Lean PM have made is that their product will help you burn fat while you sleep.

Who Is The Manufacturer Of Lean PM

The makers of Lean PM are a company called Jacked Factory. Jacked Factory makes a lot of supplement products, and almost all of them are related to weight loss, muscle growth, or other types of athletic performance.

Their products are popular on the internet, and they claim that all of their supplements are backed by scientific research. However, it should be noted that many supplement manufacturers make the same claim.

Lean PM

Lean PM Review – Health Web Magazine Images

What Are The Ingredients In Lean PM?

The formula for Lean PM is rather scant. There aren’t a lot of active ingredients, which could be a benefit for some users with multiple allergies or sensitivities to a lot of substances. The ingredients include:

L-Theanine – L-theanine is an amino acid that may promote feelings of calm and relaxation that could help you sleep.
Epigallocatechin Gallate – This is essentially a green tea extract that may work to increase your metabolic rate.
5-HTP – 5-HTP [1] may help curb unhealthy urges to eat by affecting the serotonin levels in the brain.
Melatonin – Melatonin helps signal to your brain that it’s time to sleep. However, it is unclear whether melatonin in supplement form has the same effect.

The Science Behind Lean PM

We would be inclined to say that the science behind this product is pretty solid if not for the lofty claims that the makers of Lean PM have made. As a reminder, Jacked Factory states that Lean PM will help you lose weight in your sleep.

However, multiple studies have shown that this is, at the least, highly unlikely. While getting better-quality sleep may have a beneficial impact on your metabolism, you may not expect to lose a noticeable or significant amount of weight simply by sleeping. You will still need to do your part.

What Are The Benefits Of Lean PM

  • Lean PM may help increase the depth of your sleep.
  • This supplement may also help get your brain into a state of REM sleep.
  • It is free of any stimulants and caffeine.
  • Some consumers have reported that the product does improve sleep quality. It helps to curb unhealthy food cravings.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Lean PM

  • This product may be detrimental for people with anxiety.
  • The formula is limited, which may ultimately limit its usefulness.
  • It is unlikely that this weight loss supplement will help you lose weight in your sleep as the makers claim.
  • You will still have to commit to a regimen of exercise if you want to lose weight.
  • There are no free trials for this dietary supplement.

FAQs: Consumer Questions & Answers

In our research for this report, we found that consumers are frequently asking the following questions online concerning Lean PM.

Lean PM may have adverse results if you have anxiety.

The price for this supplement is about the same as other weight loss supplements.

The instructions state that the user should take two capsules of Lean PM before bed.

There is no free trial, but you may return the product a refund within many days when you purchase it from the Jacked Factory website.

The idea behind it is unique, but the ingredients are common.

Lean PM may cause insomnia for some users.

Only if you take advantage of the refund policy, in case it doesn’t work for you.

What Are Consumers Saying About Lean PM

People appeared to like it and say that it helped curb appetite. However, some Lean PM Reviews mentioned panic attacks and insomnia.