Overview Of Life Extension Cognitex Elite

As you age, it is not surprising that you will experience some deterioration in your cognitive health. To prevent this from happening, you will need the help of a natural supplement that encourages good brain health and function.

Life Extension Cognitex Elite is a nootropic product that targets improving thinking skills and memory. It may also promote healthy attention and focus. With this, you should read on to find out what Life Extension Cognitex Elite reviews say about this product

How Does Life Extension Cognitex Elite Work?

Your brain has 100 billion nerve cells, and with the proper nutrition, you can boost their performance to maximize your cognitive potential. Cognitex Elite may supply the vitamins and minerals your brain needs to be healthy.

According to the brand, the product contains sage extract. The ingredient is said to support mood and cognitive performance. It does this by balancing the levels of the essential neurotransmitter acetylcholine and other neurochemicals.

Who Is the Manufacturer Of Life Extension Cognitex Elite?

Based in Florida, Life Extension Foundation is the manufacturer of Cognitex Elite. Saul Kent and William Faloon founded the company in 1980.

Now serving 40 years in the business, Life Extension’s goal is to extend people’s lifespan by providing products and services that control aging and eliminate diseases.

What Are the Ingredients In Life Extension Cognitex Elite?

Here are the primary ingredients found in this product:

Sage Extract – This herb belongs to the mint family and contains a lot of essential nutrients. Sage is full of antioxidants that can help with your brain’s defense system.

In one study, it shows that sage can stop the breakdown of acetylcholine (ACH), a chemical that falls when you have Alzheimer’s disease.

Blueberry Extract -Sweet and nutritious, blueberries are a superfood. Its antioxidants can benefit areas in your brain that focus on intelligence.

Additionally, blueberries assist in the cell signaling improvement of aging neurons. One six-year research[1] suggests that blueberries can also delay mental decline by up to 2.5 years.

Ashwagandha Extract – A medicinal herb, ashwagandha can help your body manage stress. It promotes antioxidant activity that defends nerve cells from damaging free radicals.

One study with 50 adults found that taking ashwagandha root extract showed enhanced memory, better attention, and increased task performance among the subjects.

Phosphatidylserine – It is a fatty substance that coats the cells in our body. For this reason, phosphatidylserine is an essential component in supporting healthy nerve cells in our brain as they transmit messages.

A 2010 study published by the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition[2] suggests that taking phosphatidylserine supplements for six months can improve the memory of the elderly with mild cognitive impairment.

Vinpocetine – This is a synthetic compound found in the substance of periwinkle plant leaves.

People believe that vinpocetine can increase blood flow in the brain, which can enhance symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. However, evidence that supports these claims is currently lacking.

On the other hand, some studies support vinpocetine as a sports supplement. A 2009 study from the College of New Jersey [3] found that sports drinks with vinpocetine can improve the reaction time of male athletes.

Science Behind Life Extension Cognitex Elite

Life Extension Cognitex Elite claims that it could improve focus and promote healthy memory. Its active ingredients have studies that back the product’s goals.

On the brand’s website, Life Extension has a page that shares their research for their products. They have a team of scientific and medical experts that ensures the efficacy of their product formulations.

What Are the Benefits Of Life Extension Cognitex Elite?

  • It may support the maintenance of brain cell connections and cognitive function.
  • It may improve thinking skills and memory.
  • The product promotes mood betterment.
  • This product is GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) registered at the NSF International.

What Are the Drawbacks Of Life Extension Cognitex Elite?

  • You may undergo side effects from this product.
  • It does not contain the usual ingredients that are present in nootropic supplement formulas.

FAQs: Consumer Questions & Answers

In our research for this report, we found that consumers are frequently asking the following questions online in regard to Life Extension Cognitex Elite.

Life Extension passed quality and safety tests done by NSF International. With this, the company has earned a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) registration.

Life Extension Cognitex Elite contains an ingredient that is illegal in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Vinpocetine is sold in the United States but is still under review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Life Extension Cognitex Elite is a brain health supplement that is at a mid-range cost. It is not high-end, nor is it cheap.

You should take two tablets daily, with or without food. The brand warns people who are of childbearing age and are pregnant or planning to become pregnant to stay away from Life Extension Cognitex Elite.

Products from Life Extension has a 100% satisfaction guarantee. For a year, you are allowed to return Life Extension Cognitex Elite and get your money back. There are no further details listed on the brand’s official website.

Like other brain health supplements, Life Extension Cognitex Elite supports memory enhancement, better focus, and mood improvement. What makes this product different from its competitors is its choice of ingredients. It is not your usual mix of nootropic supplements.

Given that the product contains vinpocetine, it has some side effects that come along with it, such as stomach pain, headache, nervousness, and nausea, among others.

Since Life Extension Cognitex Elite is GMP registered at the NSF International, it is a product worth trying. A lot of consumers share that the supplement works for them despite the possible side effects.

What Are Consumers Saying About Life Extension Cognitex Elite?

Life Extension Cognitex Elite reviews are mostly positive towards the product. The majority of consumers say that they feel a huge difference once they have started taking Cognitex Elite. It has helped sharpen memory when they have a foggy mind. There are very few reviews that report the side effects.