Overview Of M1ND

With today’s advances in technology, it’s quite easy to jot things down or instantly save copies of data. People have become complacent, tending to forget small details. The constant flow of information from the Internet and social media has affected the ability to focus on one’s train of thought. Taking M1ND may help improve overall cognitive function, lessening gaps in memory and increasing one’s concentration.

Read on to discover more information about M1ND. You will also find M1ND reviews from customers to know if they approve of the product.

How Does M1ND Work?

M1ND is a formula that may help address issues with memory by increasing the circulation of blood in the brain and utilizing more glucose to fuel the brain’s cells. This leads to more efficient use of nutrients in the body, which could improve the ability to recall.

Who Is The Manufacturer Of M1ND?

M1ND is manufactured by Jeunesse, a global company that aims to promote and support health, youthfulness, and quality skincare. Jeunesse Global’s headquarters is in Parkway Lake Mary, FL.

What Are The Ingredients In M1ND?

The following are the ingredients found in M1ND:

Silk fibroin protein enzymatic hydrolysate (FPEH) – Also known as CERA-Q, this protein is made from the cocoons of Bombyx mori, the domestic silk moth (or silkworm). Research shows this helps increase the brain’s blood flow and blocks the formation of brain plaques. Another study reports that it has antioxidative effects as well.
L-theanine – This is primarily extracted from green and black teas. Studies[1] indicate that this may help in reducing stress and distraction and improving cognitive function.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) – This substance is found naturally in the brain. It may help improve memory performance and lessen stress levels.
N-acetyl L-tyrosine – Tyrosine is intrinsically produced in the body. According to Brain Research Bulletin, tyrosine helps improve cognitive skills even when exposed to stressful tasks.

The Science Behind M1ND

As the brain ages, it will occasionally produce proteins abnormally, taking up space in the brain tissue. These are called amyloid plaques, which are known to interfere with brain function. CERA-Q is made of small proteins that bind to certain areas of these abnormal proteins that may prevent the formation of these plaques and help improve overall cognitive performance.

However, the company has no clinical proof of the product’s effects on brain functions.

What Are The Benefits Of M1ND?

  • It may help improve your ability to remember names, words, facts, and figures.
  • It may increase your focus and lengthen your attention span.
  • It might reduce stress levels.

What Are The Drawbacks Of M1ND?

  • The ingredients lack extensive studies to prove their effects on cognition.
  • The product’s lemon meringue flavor may not be pleasant to everyone’s taste.
  • It contains cane sugar.
  • It is relatively expensive. 
  • There is no information about a refund or free trial for the product.

FAQs: Consumer Questions & Answers

In our research for this report, we found that consumers frequently ask the following questions online in regard to M1ND.

M1ND reviews have not reported any serious side effects of consumption. However, it is best to consult with a physician before taking M1ND, especially for children, pregnant and lactating women, and people with medical conditions or taking MAOIs.

M1ND can be purchased at the product’s official site. It is usually sold in boxes of 30 packets each.

Take one to two gel packets of M1ND per day.

The product’s official website does not provide information on free trials or refund policies. However, Jeunesse Global offers special packages, which include M1ND and other products at a discounted price. Some packages are not refundable.

M1ND was formulated to help improve memory, learning, recall, attention, and overall cognitive function. Its addition of CERA-Q makes it unique among other brain health supplements. However, the price is too high compared to brands with a similar formula.

Currently, there are no reported side effects when taking M1ND. However, possible side effects may occur from each of its ingredients. Excessive intake of L-theanine may lead to headache, nausea, irritability, and gastric upset. Some studies report that side effects of GABA include muscle weakness, sleepiness, headache, and gastric upset as well. For N-acetyl L-tyrosine, some people may experience fatigue, joint pains, headache, nausea, and heartburn.

There are other brain health supplements with similar ingredients as M1ND. The price of this formula is high for the market. Besides, the other brands that sell at a lower cost have received excellent reviews from consumers.

What Are Consumers Saying About M1ND?

Several M1ND reviews online have been positive, noting that the product might help with their cognitive needs. Some people report that their memory and concentration improved after a few days of use, while for other users, this developed after a few weeks. However, users are divided in terms of the product’s taste. Some people love the flavor, while others don’t like the lemon meringue taste.