Overview Of MenoFem

MenoFem is a daily supplement that comprises three compounds[1], Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh), Trifolium pretense (Red clover), and minerals such as calcium carbonate and magnesium. 

For women dealing with menopause, MenoFem may be able to manage menopausal symptoms. It is an all-natural formula and is non-hormonal. According to some MenoFem reviews available online, the effects of menopause like hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness might be relieved by this herbal medicine. 

How Does MenoFem Work?

MenoFem supplements retain most of the properties of the compound called black cohosh for medicinal purposes. Black cohosh functions like the female hormone, estrogen.

The herb is used to treat gynecological conditions such as menopause and painful periods and to restore hormonal estrogen levels.

In some people, it works like estrogen to counter the effects of menopause by decreasing excessive sweating, increasing sex drive, and restoring vaginal elasticity and moisture.
Red clover works as a plant-based alternative to estrogen as it consists of a compound called phytoestrogen that mimics this hormone in the female body. This herb has blood-thinning properties and improves blood flow by preventing blood clots.

Red clover contains isoflavones, which bind to specific receptors and mimic the effects of estrogen. In menopausal and post-menopausal women with low estrogen levels, phytoestrogens act as weak estrogen in the body, relieving the effects of menopause, mainly hot flashes.

The major effect that menopause has on a woman’s body is reducing the bone content. Since one of the prominent effects of estrogen is to decrease bone resorption and increase calcium absorption, reduced estrogen levels in the body lead to weak joints.

Calcium carbonate works to maintain the body’s calcium levels so that the bones remain strong and pain in the joints can be prevented.  

The last vital ingredient is magnesium, which is known as “nature’s tranquilizer.” The mineral works to counter the behavioral effects of menopause such as irritability, anxiety, mood changes, and temperament issues.

Who Is The Manufacturer Of MenoFem?

MenoFem is manufactured by Fineland Company Inc, a business establishment that manufactures different dietary supplements that help deal with various medical conditions. They are located in Miami, FL. On the company’s page, they have their phone number and email for consumers to reach them.


MenoFem Review – Health Web Magazine Images

What Are The Ingredients In MenoFem?

A summarized list of ingredients is as follows:

Dandelion 4.1 Extract (66.67 mg) – The high phytoestrogen levels in this plant help alleviate the painful symptoms of menopause and ensure a smooth transition. This extract was used in ancient medicine to help women in better transition to menopause.
Wild Yam 10.1 Extract (66.67 mg) – Wild yam helps regulate the estrogen levels in the body. Traditional medical practitioners prescribed it.
Black Cohosh Extract (50 mg) – Black Cohosh[2] is a flowering plant that is the most effective among herbs in relieving hot flashes.
Ashwagandha (33.33 mg) – It is a plant extract that works on the endocrine system and stimulates blood to female reproductive organs.
Red Clover (33.33 mg) – The rich phytoestrogen in this herb[3] is used to treat the severity of menopausal symptoms. It regulates estrogen levels.

The Science Behind MenoFem

The phytoestrogens present in the supplement mimic estrogen’s action by binding to specific receptors in the body. These phytoestrogens then stimulate the body to produce the effect of estrogen that a healthy premenopausal woman would exhibit.

MenoFem does not work as an alternative for estrogen but rather works in the body as estrogen would. 
The ingredients such as black cohosh and red clover can naturally stimulate the body to reduce flushing and sweating by redistributing the blood flow throughout the body. This helps majorly with menopausal discomfort and the active compounds in the supplement work to bring out the best within the body.

What Are The Benefits Of MenoFem?

  • It may ease the transition of a woman going through menopause.
  • The product delivers the key nutrients that a menopausal or post-menopausal woman needs to maintain hormonal balance.
  • Using the supplement may result in better sleep patterns.
  • It may be able to decrease the frequency of mood swings.
  • The formula works on relaxing the muscles around deep veins to improve blood flow.

What Are The Drawbacks Of MenoFem?

  • Black cohosh may trigger adverse reactions for some women.
  • The use of the product may cause indigestion, vomiting, nausea, and headaches.
  • There is a lack of MenoFem reviews available online, making it difficult for potential customers to weigh the pros and cons of the supplement.
  • It contains gelatin, which has been harvested from animals.
  • There is no mention of a return policy on the manufacturer’s page.

FAQs: Consumer Questions & Answers

In our research for this report, we found that consumers are frequently asking the following questions online in regard to MenoFem.

There are few MenoFem reviews available online. It is not recommended for patients who are pregnant or lactating. In sporadic cases, one of the ingredients of the supplement - Black Cohosh - could result in liver failure.

Very few women complain of various symptoms, such as yellowing of the eyes or skin, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, weakness, lethargy, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and other symptoms usually associated with GIT. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should immediately discontinue the supplement.

MenoFem prices may vary according to different places that sell the supplement. The product is not that expensive as compared to other hormone-based supplements in this category.

Herbal therapies are usually not as responsive as allopathic medications. MenoFem is taken twice daily, first in the morning and then in the evening. The route of administration is oral through a glass of water.

The therapeutic effects of the supplement are evident after two weeks of therapy. Ideally, it should be used for six weeks. The customer is advised to go for a follow-up visit to the doctor after every six months.

Please contact your provider or place of purchase to see what return or exchange policies are available.

As compared to other menopause relief supplements, MenoFem contains only natural ingredients mostly based on herbs. It uses Pfaffia Root, Isoflavones, Hops Extract and Licogen.

Other supplements are based on 21 vitamins, minerals, and soy isoflavones. These ingredients are generally required by women of older age, while MenoFem uses a more concentrated approach.

The side effects of the supplement involve headache, nausea, vomiting, weight gain, low blood pressure, and indigestion. In rare cases, it may cause skin rash, pruritus, and liver failure.

According to the official website, MenoFem is supposed to help manage the symptoms of menopause. But due to the small number of consumer reviews, it is quite difficult to say that it could work for many women.

What Are Consumers Saying About MenoFem?

There are few or no MenoFem reviews that can guarantee the potency of these supplements. While the promised effects are phenomenal, it is ill-advised to take these supplements without consulting your health practitioner.