Overview Of Percepta

Percepta is a memory support treatment for promoting healthy brain aging. According to Percepta reviews, it was developed by doctors Rudolph Tanzi and Alan Snow. The most distinguishing feature in Percepta is how it incorporates only two ingredients: cat’s claw and MemorTea, an oolong tea extract.

What’s interesting is its cat’s claw extract, designed PTI-00703. The main site details it comes from the Amazon rainforest. Its composition seems to include unique polyphenol-based ingredients. They make it uniquely effective for reducing brain plaques.

How Does Percepta Work?

Percepta has been verified for inhibiting plaques and tangles in the brain. The development team behind the product is both behind the formula and the scientific research creating this innovative approach.

The action mechanism relies mainly on the polyphenols present in the aforementioned cat’s claw strand. These enter the brain minutes after reaching the bloodstream, and they also come with proanthocyanidins to enhance their efficiency.

The ingredients in Percepta interact with the mentioned tangles and plaques, reducing and getting rid of them. Therefore, they revert brain deterioration with consistent doses.

Who Is the Manufacturer Of Percepta?

There seems to be a bit of confusion about the company behind Percepta. A Google search for Percepta yields reviews on the company, and the main website for Percepta shows a couple of products.

Percepta reviews seem to identify Cognitive Clarity Inc. as the company behind Percepta. While there seems to be no official website for the company, the name within Percepta’s contact address is Cognitive Clarity. Content rights also belong to Cognitive Clarity Inc.

The company seems to focus on performance enhancement and scientific research. You can find two other products—Percepta Sport and Percepta Professional in their catalog. Interestingly, you can also find plenty of resources about their scientific research: videos discussing Percepta and links to studies being the highlights.

What Are the Ingredients In Percepta?

As we mentioned, the main attraction in Percepta is how it’s composed of only two ingredients. Therefore, let’s dive into a bit more depth when describing them.

Cat’s Claw – This ingredient often feels like a “jack of all trades” since it’s in everything. You can find it in sexual enhancement, vitality boosters, and now cognition treatments. Well, there’s enough scientific debate, but this strand seems special.

As mentioned, Percepta uses a PTI-00703 strand of cat’s claw. There’s a study surrounding its benefits. The research focused on its potential to prevent brain aging and Alzheimer’s Disease. The study specifically mentions its inhibiting properties for brain plaques and tangles.

MemorTea – Oolong tea is more popular than Chinese black tea, and it comes from Camellia sinensis L. This tea contains several benefits: gut benefits, vitamins, and relaxation. However, it’s also shown potential for cognitive health.

One study[1] evaluated the benefits of the plant for treating dementia. The results suggested that these infusions come with active biological principles that could slow down dementia’s progression.

The Science Behind Percepta

The tangles and plaques we’ve been mentioning appear to be responsible for memory loss from aging. By attacking them, Percepta can help the brain recover while preventing future deterioration.

Cat’s claw has been popular for centuries, thanks to its immune enhancement properties. Peruvian tribes used it for general health, but research suggests that cat’s claw can disrupt and inhibit these brain plaques. The PTI-00703 source is the strongest inhibitor in this regard.

What Are the Benefits Of Percepta?

  • Its simple formula guarantees minimal side effects while implementing strong anti-aging components.
  • There’s lots of documentation available on Percepta’s website about the research behind the product and its effectiveness.
  • It attacks the main reason behind memory loss from aging, thus offering long-term benefits.

What Are the Drawbacks Of Percepta?

  • It might feel expensive because of the few ingredients it has.
  • More studies might be necessary to verify the effectiveness of its ingredients.
  • The product does not seem to have an official page.
  • There is no information available about refunds or trial periods.

FAQs: Consumer Questions & Answers

In our research for this report, we found that consumers are frequently asking the following questions online in regard to Percepta.

There haven’t been any complaints from side effects by reviewers.

You can find discounts if you place bulk orders over individual months.

You should take a couple of capsules daily, preferably in the morning and afternoon.

We couldn’t find any information about refunds or trial periods.

Percepta offers a simpler formula than its competitors, but the manufacturer has considerably more scientific experience than others.

Side effects could include nausea, dizziness, and disrupting other treatments. Cases are yet to be confirmed.

With so many resources available, the formula seems to enjoy significant scientific support. Therefore, it should be worth the investment.

What Are Consumers Saying About Percepta?

Percepta reviews seem to debate heavily on whether or not its small formula is commendable or problematic. For the first group, it points towards less synthetic ingredients and possible allergens. At the same time, it maintains the effectiveness.

However, more pessimist reviewers focus on the lack of vitamins and other necessary nutrients for mental health.