Overview Of Restorol

Sleeplessness is a common problem, but what isn’t common is a truly effective remedy for it. Many products out there claim to help improve sleep and very few work as claimed.

In this Restorol reviews write-up, we’ll focus on it. It is a herbal sleep aid claimed to suppress anxiety and restlessness and help users sleep well with its “extra-strength formula”.

We’ll look at details such as the ingredients, how it is used, cost, customer reviews, and other information to help you decide if this is the sleep aid for you.

And if you’ve had any experience with Restorol, kindly let us know how you liked it in the comment section below.

How Does Restorol Work?

According to the brand, Restorol helps maintain a healthier sleep pattern for more restorative night rests and a better immune system through its blend of ingredients like the 5HTP, hops, Melatonin, Passion Flower, Chamomile, B vitamins, and L-theanine.

The ingredients may help promote sleep and health by regulating the stress hormones and relax the mind and body.

This way, users are rejuvenated for better focus, motivation, and energy required for work and other activities.

Who Is The Manufacturer Of Restorol?

Restorol is manufactured by QuickVita, a health supplement maker with a wide range of health products to their name.

While there isn’t much information on the company online, a number of their products enjoy positive reviews on some retail sites.


Restorol Review- Health Web Magazine Images

What Are The Ingredients In Restorol?

Outlined below are Restorol’s key ingredients:

Melatonin – A naturally-occurring hormone, melatonin is a common ingredient in sleep products. It aids in restful sleep by regulating the circadian clock. That is, melatonin lets your body know that it is tired and time to fall asleep.
L-theanine – L-theanine is a glutamic amino acid that is present in certain teas and mushrooms.

In several studies, the compound was found to induce calmness and tranquility and, consequently, anxiety and stress reduction for proper sleep[1].

5-HTP – An amino acid, 5-HTP, is known to improve sleep and mood for better rest and quality sleep. It is also another staple in many sleep formulations.
Chamomile – Chamomile has been used in traditional remedies for promoting rest and sleep, among other benefits. In studies, chamomile was found to hold nerve-calming and tranquility-inducing qualities, two factors essential for quality sleep[2].
Orange peel – Packed with flavonoids, enzymes, and other beneficial compounds known to aid sleep, orange peel is another main ingredient in this herbal sleep formulation.

It is known to be nerve-calming as well as being a sleep aid[3]. It has been used since ancient times in aromatherapy for enhancing both mental and physical relaxation.

Lemon balm – Lemon balm is thought to lessen anxiety by increasing GABA availability, a neurotransmitter known to regulate the brain’s excitatory chemical. In many herbal formulations, lemon balm is used for its sedating and body-calming effects[4]

The Science Behind Restorol

According to the brand, Restorol’s ingredients address all of the problems related to troubled sleep. Ingredients like the 5-HTP regulate the stress hormone for lesser anxiety and stress for a fully relaxed mind and body. This leads to quicker and better sleep.

Melatonin, chamomile, and passionflower are added to optimize deep sleep cycles for REM sleep. Ingredients like L-theanine and B vitamins are added for a refreshed and energized feeling.

Overall, all of the ingredients are known to hold multiple health benefits for the body, not just improving sleep alone.

What Are The Benefits Of Restorol?

  • It may help promote better sleep.
  • The product is reasonably-priced.
  • Restorol is free of the many potentially-harmful chemicals common in pharmaceuticals.
  • It may help alleviate stress.
  • It is made of natural and known ingredients.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Restorol?

  • Users may grow dependent on Restorol.
  • It may not be as effective for some users as it is for others.

FAQs: Consumer Questions & Answers

In our research for this report, we found that consumers are frequently asking the following questions online in regard to Restorol.

While we did not find any reports or complaints from Restorol users, you still have to apply caution with this sleep supplement.

As with most sleep aids, drug dependence is possible, and the body may not adapt well if stopped abruptly.

Also, it is not recommended for people younger than 18 and pregnant or nursing mothers. It should also not be used before driving or operating any machinery.

Each packet of Restorol sells at an average cost, with some websites offering a free trial on the product.

The brand recommends taking 1 Restorol tablet before sleep, 30 mins – 1 hr before you go to bed.

There is no mention of a free trial on the official QuickVita site. However, some retailers offer this service to buyers alongside a return window for those unsatisfied with their purchase.

Unlike many popular sleep aids, this nutraceutical is not laden with chemicals that could cause severe side effects.

Also, it contains ingredients known to support sleep and rest with minimal to zero side effects. On pricing, Restorol falls within the price range of many sleep medications available today.

No severe side effects have been reported from Restorol use. But, you still have to check to confirm that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients in the formulation.

However, some users may experience some level of dependency on the product as expected with most sleep aids.

It seems so. If you are in search of a natural sleep aid with researched ingredients, which is moderately-priced, then you may give it a try.

What Are Consumers Saying About Restorol?

Restorol reviews are mixed. On independent retail sites, a couple of buyers complained about the product doing nothing for them. Many, on the other hand, reviewed it favorably and credited it for their improved night sleep.

On the official sale site, the reviews there were mostly positive, with many claiming to have noticed a significant improvement in their sleep quality.