Overview of Z-Tox

There are a lot of sleep supplements on the market – but how many of them claim that they may also help you curb unhealthy food cravings? That is precisely the crux of the product that is the subject of today’s review. It’s called Z-Tox and it is billed mainly as a sleeping aid. Perhaps more importantly, the makers claim that it may be a natural sleeping aid.

The main component of this supplement is an amino acid that may help your body produce more of it’s melatonin – the hormone that may signal to your brain that it’s time to go to sleep when the sun goes down. However, not all Z-Tox reviews written by confirmed customers have been favorable to the product. May Z-Tox work for you? We help you find the answer in the following review article.

How Does Z-Tox Work?

What we did not mention in the opening section of our review article is that the makers of Z-Tox also claim that it may help you lose weight. How do you ask? This is where the science may get a bit tricky. Some studies have found that unhealthy food cravings may correlate somehow to a lack of quality sleep. The evidence points to a hormone imbalance.

When your melatonin balance is off, it may set off other hormones related to food cravings. The theory is that if you have enough melatonin, you will get a good night’s sleep, you will feel less hungry overall, and resulting in a healthy loss of weight. While this may be of interest to some users, the consumer should be aware that the claim associated with Z-Tox is that it may help you sleep better.

Who Is The Manufacturer Of Z-Tox?

The company that makes Z-Tox is called Applied Science Nutrition. They offer natural supplements for an enhanced lifestyle. It comes under the brand of MZF Group of Health and Wellness Companies.

Their website claims that they used academically-researched ingredients that are completely derived from natural sources and free from synthetic elements. They boast of products that are consumer-focused with high-quality ingredients that ensure better health.


Z-Tox Review – Health Web Magazine Images

What Are The Ingredients In Z-Tox?

Z-Tox may contain a blend of herbs, vitamins and amino acids. Ten milligrams of melatonin may also be included in the formula. All of the active ingredients are natural. Here is a detailed look at the ingredients in Z-Tox:

Melatonin – Melatonin is a natural hormone that may regulate sleep. In a recent studies, it was found that melatonin supplementation may be more effective for inducing quality sleep than a placebo.
L-tryptophan – L-tryptophan is an amino acid that the human body may not produce. It may help synthesize neurotransmitters like serotonin, which studies have suggested is important for sleep regulation.
L-Theanine – L-theanine is another amino acid found in green tea. L-theanine may have been linked to reduced anxiety and improved sleep quality. However, it is acknowledged that studies are needed to confirm this link.
Lemon Balm – Lemon balm is an herbal extract that may be added to teas and other drinks to promote an overall feeling of calm. Lemon balm may help relax the body and the mind to prepare them for sleep.

The Science Behind Z-Tox

The study data may be certainly there. Many of the claims that the makers of Z-Tox make about their product are backed by the study data. For instance, many of the studies done on melatonin may suggest that it is for quality sleep.

Z-Tox may help reduce food cravings. There is only speculative evidence available that the amino acid l-tryptophan may help with obesity. Other than that, the link between better sleep and overeating remains tenuous at best. Therefore, it cannot be confirmed that Z-Tox may help you lose weight too.

What Are The Benefits Of Z-Tox?

  • Z-Tox may help reduce anxiety.
  • It may also increase serotonin prevalence.
  • It may use natural ingredients.
  • There is no gelatin added.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Z-Tox?

  • There is little evidence to support the claim that Z-Tox may help you lose weight.
  • It may cause nausea and irritability.
  • Some users of the Z-Tox report may experience feeling groggy in the morning.
  • The product is not available in offline stores.

FAQs: Consumer Questions & Answers

In our research for this report, we found that consumers are frequently asking the following questions online regarding Z-Tox.

Z-Tox may be safe for most healthy adult users.

It may cost similar to other sleep supplements you may find in the market today.

A single serving size of Z-Tox is 2 capsules, should be taken with water.

There may be no free trial and you will be subject to the refund policy of the 3rd party retailer where you buy it. Their website mentions a 60-day money-back guarantee.

The amino acid blend in Z-Tox may be common among these kinds of products.

The l-theanine in Z-Tox may cause nausea or upset stomach.

It may be suitable for you if you’re looking for a natural sleeping aid. But it is vital to speak to your doctor before trying this product.

What Are Consumers Saying About Z-Tox?

Customers may seem divided on this product. While some Z-Tox reviews claim that it may help users fall asleep faster, other users complained that it did nothing to curb food cravings.