What Is Anxiety And How To Spot It?

Anxiety is defined as a diffuse fear, without a well-determined cause, about various events in everyday life and is more commonly found in children and adult females.

Anxiety can be described as a state of emotional distress that we feel throughout our bodies and fills our minds with doubts, worries, obsessions, and negative assumptions about future events. When this emotion intensifies, it can affect concentration, appetite, sleep, social relationships, and overall quality of life.

The Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA)[1] draws attention that every year, more than 40 million adults in the US are affected by anxiety disorders.

In this article, we are going to discuss the most common symptoms and how to calm anxiety with simple remedies.

What Is Nausea And Can Anxiety Cause Nausea?

Nausea is the feeling of sickness in the stomach that often occurs before vomiting. Nausea does not necessarily have to be followed by vomiting, but it is extremely unpleasant anyway.

Can anxiety cause nausea, and when should you see a specialist? It’s important to check your symptoms carefully before you take on medication.

Can Anxiety Cause Nausea

Other situations that trigger nausea:

  • When nausea is accompanied by a headache that doesn’t respond to mild painkillers, a feeling of vomiting, and pressure behind the eyes, the cause may be incorrect positioning of the neck in daily activities.
  • Dizziness or vertigo, leading to loss of balance and accompanying nausea, may be symptoms of an inner ear condition.
  • When fainting also occurs, it may be a neurological or cardiac problem.
  • Anemia and a sudden rise or fall in blood pressure can also cause this condition.

Can stress cause nausea? Yes, because stress is derived from anxiety, and it can induce the same symptoms, from chills to nausea, dizziness, and heavy breathing.

Is Nausea Caused By Anxiety? How To Get Rid Of Nausea?

People dealing with anxiety often ask themselves: can anxiety cause nausea? The short answer is yes.

In a state of anxiety, our brain releases anxiety-related neurotransmitters that enter the digestive tract and stimulate the gut microbiome, the totality of beneficial microorganisms that live in balance inside the intestines. Thus, microbiome imbalances can lead to digestive symptoms, including nausea.

The following are anxiety disorders that can cause nausea:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) – It involves emotional distress about everyday aspects of life. According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, women are twice as likely to be affected than men.
  • Phobias – Phobias represent irrational fear towards things, people, or places and affect 8.7% of the U.S. population.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) – It is an overwhelming sense of self-consciousness in a social context. SAD affects nearly 15 million adults in the US every year.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – It usually develops after a traumatic experience. The affected person may experience dreams that seem real and extremely distressing memories.

Is Chest Pain Caused By Anxiety?

Can Anxiety Cause Nausea

Can anxiety cause nausea, but can it also go deeper and cause chest pains? Studies show that approximately one-quarter of patients who go to the doctor for chest pain treatment have panic disorders.

How to calm anxiety in case of chest pains? It is important to check with a doctor if chest pains happen frequently. The practitioner will know what to prescribe to help you manage anxiety chest pains for the better.

Can Anxiety Cause Nausea Along With High Blood Pressure?

When people have chronic anxiety, they may experience changes in their immune systems that lead to heart disease.

Research conducted in 2015 found that people who deal with high levels of anxiety are at higher risk of developing hypertension than those who are not as anxious. However, evidence has been inconclusive. Therefore, it is difficult to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between anxiety and high blood pressure.

If you tell someone to give an unplanned public speech, their heart rate will increase. This doesn’t automatically create a link between anxiety and hypertension.

Is Dizziness Caused By Anxiety?

Patients often wonder: can stress cause nausea and feelings of dizziness? Dizziness is a known symptom of stress and anxiety. Scientists even believe that there are connections in the brain that can explain the co-occurrence of anxiety and dizziness.

In a clinical study[2] conducted on 1,287 people, 28% of the participants who reported symptoms of dizziness also manifested at least one anxiety disorder.

People who suffer from emotional distress may perceive attacks of rotational vertigo and unsteadiness more strongly.

Is Shortness Of Breath Caused By Anxiety?

Can anxiety cause nausea, shortness of breath, and other difficulties in breathing? – Unfortunately, all together. Studies[3] suggest a powerful link between anxiety and breathing difficulties.

Anxiety can cause a range of physical symptoms, including breathing difficulties that can become prominent in panic attacks. We should not forget that fear is a defense mechanism, a spontaneous reaction designed to protect us in challenging situations.

Can Anxiety Cause Nausea And Headaches?

Can Anxiety Cause Nausea

Anxiety and headaches are common, and many people experience this discomfort now and then. For people with anxiety disorders, headaches can interfere with sleep, physical relationships, and everyday activities.

Researchers explore the link between emotional distress and headaches. Studies[4] have found that frequent migraine sufferers tend to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression more often than other people.

People experiencing anxiety, headaches, or a combination of the two should go to a specialist if their headache is accompanied by fever, slurred speech, confusion, or a stiff neck.

Causes And Triggers For Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety can occur at any age and is caused by a combination of factors. The most common causes are genetic predisposition, various imbalances in brain chemistry, family history, social influences, and life experiences such as major changes, depression (including postnatal), or any emotional distress.

Also, a two-way link has been observed between alcohol dependence and psychotropic compounds (drugs: synthetic compounds with an effect on the psyche) and anxiety disorders.

How To Get Rid Of Nausea – 6 Useful Remedies

Now that we’ve understood the potential causes, let’s look at some home remedies on how to get rid of nausea quickly and effectively.

  • Ginger – Ginger is the most effective anti-nausea remedy[5]. Many of the natural anti-nausea pills contain ginger.
  • Peppermint – Peppermint can also combat nausea caused even by pregnancy. It can be consumed as capsules, tea, or essential oil.
  • Hydration – If nausea is accompanied by vomiting, it is critical to keep yourself hydrated. Drink water and eat salty foods to rebalance the body electrolytically.
  • Standing Up – Sitting or even lying down can make nausea worse. Stand up and sit upright to help relieve nausea.
  • Breathing Control – Rapid breathing makes nausea worse. Combat shortness of breath with a few breathing exercises.
  • Fresh Air – Fresh air alleviates nausea, so open the window and breathe in deeply, then slowly exhale the air from your lungs. Within seconds, you’ll feel better.

How To Calm Anxiety Episodes – 4 Useful Remedies

Can Anxiety Cause Nausea

Treating anxiety starts with a healthy lifestyle both mentally and physically. Everyone needs to find a balance and notice what makes them feel good.

Apart from anxiolytic medication prescribed by a psychotherapist, take a closer look at the following advice tips on how to calm anxiety:

  • Aromatherapy – Aromatherapy is one of the most relaxing and effective natural remedies for anxiety. Lavender, sandalwood, or jasmine essential oils may help with anxiety relief.
  • Vitamins– A lack of vitamins and minerals leads to anxiety. It is recommended to take daily supplements, such as zinc and magnesium, as a preventive measure. Studies show that zinc deficiency causes depressive and anxiety symptoms.
  • Meditation or Yoga Classes – These are simple procedures that are based on deep breathing. According to the American Psychological Association, try 15 minutes a day of meditation, in which thoughts focus on states of happiness, joy, fulfillment, love, appreciation.
  • Sports activities – Physical exertion fights anxiety by causing the body to release endorphins, chemicals that improve mood, reduce stress, and relieve pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

The feeling of nausea from anxiety occurs in the back of the throat and the mouth. People may also experience intense sweating, salivation, difficulty swallowing, and clammy hands. This article includes tips on how to get rid of nausea.

Anxiety can cause the body to function abnormally, and through increased acidity in the body, it can cause a range of gastric and intestinal disorders, including nausea and general stomach upset.

Can anxiety cause nausea? Many times, yes. Nausea triggered by anxiety usually speeds up the heart rate and breathing. That’s when you start feeling queasy.


Anxiety is a common disorder among people of all ages and all walks of life. It is a distressing state that interferes in a disruptive way in almost all aspects of life.

Fortunately, over time, with the right motivation and the right cognitive-behavioral techniques, you can learn how to calm anxiety and become more mindful of everyday life without stressing out.

Better coping with anxiety will also bring relief from anxiety-disorder-related symptoms, such as nausea. Try our useful tips on how to get rid of nausea. If the problem persists, talk to your doctor for specialized medical help.