Overview Of Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a condition characterized by a curvature of the spine, most frequently diagnosed in adolescents. However, it can occur at any age and with varying levels of seriousness. Scoliosis is associated with back or other pain, weakness, and fatigue. Although it can rarely be cured, there are methods for decreasing the symptoms.
Scoliosis, Dextroscoliosis & Levoscoliosis
The dominant feature of scoliosis is the spine curved in an S or C shape, although the severity varies for different individuals. There are also some possible root causes, including heredity, head injuries, joint or spinal surgery, or a pelvis, foot, or knee in the wrong position.
Scoliosis is most common in children ages 10-15. In addition, it often occurs in kids who have the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy. Generally speaking, the cause for the majority of cases of scoliosis is not clear.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the symptoms of scoliosis include uneven shoulders and waist, one hip higher than the other, one shoulder blade or side of the rib cage jutting out, and a curvature in the back.
Levoscoliosis is a type of scoliosis where the curvature bends towards the left side. It appears most often in the lumbar region of the spine, and it’s much less common than a curve that bends towards the right.
With levoscoliosis, the patient is more likely to have other abnormalities in the spinal cord. There are several treatment options for the condition, including surgery, although much of the time is not required.
Dextroscoliosis is a curvature of the spine that bends towards the right while the body tends to lean towards the left. It’s by far more common than a left curvature, and it most often occurs in the thoracic or middle spine.
Top Home-Based Scoliosis Exercises
In the opinion of our experts, these are some of the best exercises for scoliosis that may help ease symptoms and strengthen the muscles. You can carry out this routine from home once a day and add other favorite exercises over time.
1. Pelvic Tilts
The first of the exercises for scoliosis is a classic called the pelvic tilt. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. For 5 seconds, tighten your stomach muscles and buttocks, which can help straighten your back.
Repeat 10 times per set and do 2 sets each time you exercise. It is one of the best exercises to do if you have dextroscoliosis.
2. Wall Pushups
This scoliosis treatment exercise may work in improving your posture, especially when upright or walking. Begin by standing a few feet away from a wall, with your feet a little bit apart and in a relaxed posture. Then straighten up your posture while gently falling forward to the wall. Catch the wall with your hands and do a few pushups. Start in the first position and do 10 repetitions.
3. Bird Dog Pose
It is one of the exercises for scoliosis that comes from yoga. Begin on all fours on your mat and hold your knees about a shoulder-width apart. Align your wrists with your shoulders and your knees with your hips while holding your back straight.
With your neck straight, reach out with one hand and raise the opposite leg at the same time. Hold for 10 seconds, then do the same on the opposite leg. Repeat 10 times on each side. It is one of the best exercises for scoliosis when it comes to strengthening the core.
4. Single Leg Balance
Do this scoliosis treatment exercise while standing in front of the mirror, so you can see the straightness of your spine. You do this move standing up. Lift one knee and balance on one foot for 10-20 seconds.
It may take some time to stand steady, so you may hold on to something at first, like a chair. Once you are balanced, put your arms out on either side of you and stay steady. Do this exercise 5 times on either side. It is not one of the scoliosis exercises for seniors, as it could lead to a fall.
5. Cat Camel
The Cat Camel is a scoliosis treatment exercise that works on the abdominals. You begin on your hands and knees on the mat, with your head straight and your stomach tight. Breathe deeply and begin lifting your low rib cage while relaxing your neck and rounding your back.
Breathe out and lower your chest down. Start again by tightening your abdomen and doing 10 repetitions. It is one of the best scoliosis exercises for seniors.
6. Sitting Rotation Stretch
It is one of the best exercises for scoliosis because it can improve your flexibility. You begin by sitting on the mat, taking your right leg, and crossing it over the left. Your sole should be on the floor.
Put your right arm behind you to steady yourself. Now twist your body towards the right leg. Hold out your left arm, so your elbow is pressed against your knee. Repeat on the other side, then do several repetitions of the scoliosis treatment exercise.
7. Hip Bridges
It is a great scoliosis treatment exercise for enhancing your core strength. Begin by lying on your back, keeping your knees bent and feet apart. Your hands should be on either side of you with the palms facing down.
Pull your abdomen up towards your spine, and then lift your hips. The area from your knees to your shoulders should be about 45 degrees. Breathe in and out, holding the position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. It is one of the best exercises for scoliosis and should be very effective.
8. Seated Self-Correction
This activity is one of the best scoliosis exercises for seniors since it provides a lot of benefits with minimal exertion. The purpose of this exercise is to make you more aware of your posture. Begin by sitting on a chair and relaxing your body thoroughly. Pay attention to the poor posture you have while doing this.
Now, breathing in and out at a normal pace, raise yourself into an upright position with your feet flat on the floor and your spine straight. Hold yourself in that position for 10 seconds, then relax and start again. Do 10 repetitions.
9. Schroth Exercises
Schroth is a scoliosis treatment exercise method designed specifically for the particular spinal curvature of each patient. It aims to stabilize the spine, increase alignment, and restore muscle symmetry.
The important element of the approach is rotational angular breathing which helps rotate the spine. Another active component is to make you aware of your posture. These are particularly good scoliosis exercises for seniors.
Designed by scoliosis patient Katharina Schroth in the 1800s, this method represents the best exercises for scoliosis known today.
Advice for Elderly People While Doing Scoliosis Exercises
Although it’s not as common as in adolescents, scoliosis does occur in the elderly. It may be a case that began in childhood, an injury, or a degenerative disk that developed into the condition. There are scoliosis exercises for seniors which can be quite effective at improving the condition.
Older adults with scoliosis should take special care not to overdo it when exercising. Warm up properly and set small daily goals that are manageable for you, and rest during your session if you get too tired. Make sure not to do any scoliosis exercises where you have to bend your spine, squat, or stretch out your body.
You can carry out these exercises at home as part of a home-based program, but you must consult with your physician before you begin doing scoliosis exercises for seniors to make sure they are suitable for you and you understand how to do them.
Safety Measures For Scoliosis Exercises
Before doing any scoliosis exercises, make sure you speak with your doctor and possibly a physical therapist to make sure what you’re planning is suitable for your specific condition. Where possible, keep your spine straight when you are exercising, and avoid any activity like sit-ups, which could be painful to the area.
Exercises for scoliosis can also involve some stretches, which you can carry outstanding or lying on your back. Naturally, if you experience any kind of pain and discomfort, stop doing the exercise immediately and take it off your list.
Exercises To Steer Clear Of If You Have Scoliosis
Although it’s important to exercise if you have scoliosis, not every activity is suitable for the condition, and some may even exacerbate the symptoms. Scoliosis exercises to avoid include anything that requires high impact, which can be damaging to the spine.
Examples include running, jumping, and horseback riding. In addition, ballet and gymnastics can harm the thoracic spine, as they involve extending the body. Inherently, people who suffer from scoliosis should avoid anything that is a contact sport. Other scoliosis exercises to avoid include anything that involves bending the neck forward.
Frequently Asked Questions
There is no specific research regarding the type of yoga that is most suitable for scoliosis. However, there are some scoliosis exercises within yoga that can be effective.
For ideal results, you should carry out your exercises for scoliosis 5 days a week for approximately 30 minutes every time. It is required to build up enough strength to improve the condition. There are particular scoliosis exercises to avoid, as we have outlined.
Although they may not help much for a severe case, scoliosis exercises can be of much benefit to mild to moderate cases. They are not a cure, but they can strengthen your muscles enough to enhance your posture and dexterity.
A review and meta-analysis published in Clinical Rehabilitation[1] concluded that core-based exercise was helpful for people with scoliosis.
While exercises for scoliosis are unlikely to straighten the curve, they can control its progression, improve posture, and strengthen and stabilize your spine. They can improve your general functioning, lessen pain, and decrease the chances that you’ll require surgery.
However, there are some scoliosis exercises to avoid, such as ones that involve bending, squatting, or stretching out your body too much.
While yoga will not cure the condition, it is one of the best exercises for scoliosis when it comes to strengthening the spine and the muscles around it for improved alignment.
There’s some evidence that yoga may help improve spine curvature. One research study concluded that using the side plank yoga pose for 6.8 months had an impact on reducing the spine angle[2].
Both of these methods are highly effective at healing and ameliorating the symptoms of scoliosis. They both focus on strength, flexibility, posture, and balance. There are suitable scoliosis exercises in both techniques, so choose the one you prefer.
The Final Word
It’s important for people who are suffering from scoliosis to understand the significant difference that regular exercise can make to their symptoms and overall prognosis. In some cases, scoliosis exercises have prevented a patient from having to get surgery.
Ideally, these guidelines and examples of exercises for scoliosis have provided you with the tools you need to get started on a successful and effective daily program. They should help ease your symptoms and improve your quality of life.
Although dextroscoliosis is the more common condition, these exercises will help with both forms of scoliosis. It’s crucial that you consult with a doctor before beginning an exercise program to make sure it’s suitable for you.