Overview Of Vaginal Itching
Naturally, there are medical treatments for this condition, which vary somewhat depending on the cause. In addition, there are some helpful home remedies for an irritated vaginal area, which may give you considerable relief. Many of them are easy to use, and they involve products you have around the house already.
All About Vaginal Itching
Vaginal itching involves inflammation and redness of the vagina and surrounding areas and could possibly be accompanied by a discharge, odor, or abnormal bleeding. Genital discomfort may have several root causes, such as an allergy or exposure to a spray or chemical product, a yeast infection, an STD, vaginal dryness, or another medical issue.
It is possible to prevent an irritated vaginal area by incorporating new hygiene habits like keeping the area clean and dry, washing with water and not soap, avoiding douches, sleeping in loose clothing, and avoiding sprays and other products near the vagina area.
The problem tends to get more irritating at night when you’re at rest and becomes more noticeable. However, try to avoid scratching the area and making the problem worse. There is a host of medical and natural vaginal itching treatment methods available, depending on the specific cause of the issue.
The Reasons Behind Vaginal Itching
There are numerous possible causes of vaginal itching, and some of the time, this symptom is part of a large medical issue. Since the cause and treatment are intimately linked, the key is to discover the reason behind your symptoms. Here are some of the primary causes of an itchy vagina:
1. Yeast Infection
A vaginal yeast infection comes from an overgrowth of the fungus candida. When the yeast cells begin to multiply, it can cause a vagina discharge and an irritated vaginal area.
There are some potential causes, like taking antibiotics, a weak immune system, stress, or hormonal imbalance. One article[1] discussed candida infections, causes, targets, and resistance mechanisms.
2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Do you want to know how to stop vaginal itching? Consider practicing safe sex as much as possible. Most STDs come with other symptoms besides itching, but they may begin that way in conditions like herpes, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. These issues may progress to painful sex or urination, discharge, and even sores. If you think you have an STD, see a doctor as soon as possible.
3. Bacterial Vaginosis
It is a condition caused by bacterial overgrowth, and it tends to upset the PH balance in the vaginal microbiome. Symptoms include itching, irritation, discharge, and an odor. There is a genetic component, but the problem can also come from anything that upsets the PH balance, like douching or not using condoms.
A review in the Journal For Nurse Practitioners[2] explored the treatment, recurrence, and disparities related to bacterial vaginosis.
4. Menopause
As estrogen levels decrease during menopause, the lining of the vagina may become dryer and thinner. This condition is called atrophic vaginitis, and its symptoms may include itching, burning, spotting, and discomfort in the vaginal area. How to stop vaginal itching depends on the specifics of your condition. However, there are several medical remedies that are effective.
5. Chemical Irritants
Sometimes vaginal itching is caused by an allergen or toxin you came into contacts with, such as a cream, douche, laundry detergent, or even a condom. In this case, the primary vaginal itching treatment involves removing the harmful substance, so the symptoms clear up.
6. Shaving
The skin in the bikini area is somewhat sensitive, meaning shaving has to be done with the utmost care. However, if your skin is sensitive, you may end up causing redness, swelling, and razor burns which may lead to ingrown hair or infection if you’re not careful. In this case, how to stop vaginal itching involves switching to waxing or laser hair removal to prevent more damage.
7. Urinary Tract Infections
These infections can happen in any part of the urinary tract. They can lead to itching, as well as pain and the sensation that you have to urinate badly. It may also cause a burning feeling when you urinate. An article in the Singapore Medical Journal[3] discussed urinary tract infections in adults.
8. Skin Conditions
Lichen Planus is a skin condition that can cause vaginal itching, sores, and blisters. Most of the time, the vaginal itching treatment involves a powerful steroid. Lichen Sclerosis is another skin problem that involves itching and the development of white patches around the vagina.
Vaginal Itching in Medicine
There is medical vaginal itching treatment based specifically on the cause. Your doctor or gynecologist will conduct a thorough examination and give you a treatment based on the findings. These are some of the possibilities:
1. Antibiotics For STDs
Many common STDs such as syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and chlamydia are bacterial conditions that are treated successfully with antibiotics. If an STD is a reason for your itching, the symptoms should go away fairly quickly, along with the rest of the associated issues. If you like, you can use a second vaginal itching treatment like a cream.
2. Estrogen Treatments
If your vaginal itching is related to menopause, the doctor may prescribe you hormone replacement therapy. It will most likely be in the form of a pill you take, which should balance your levels. As a result, symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings should diminish. A review found that vaginally administered estrogen therapy decreases dryness, itching, and irritation[4].
3. Anti-Fungal Cream for Yeast Infections
There are different anti-fungal medications available to treat a yeast infection. Although some may be available at the drugstore, it is necessary to see a doctor and have them test and diagnose you before beginning treatment. Then they may prescribe you a vaginal itching treatment specific to your particular infection.
4. Antihistamines for Allergic Reaction
If your vaginal itching is caused by an allergic reaction, the treatment to control your symptoms is an antihistamine. However, the most significant factor is to find out what is causing the reaction and remove it from your environment. You can do this by eliminating one potential allergen at a time until you find the culprit.
5. Corticosteroid Cream for Lichen Sclerosus
The treatment for the Lichen Sclerosus skin condition is generally a corticosteroid cream, twice a day at first and then once a day after a few weeks. This medication should stop the itching and discomfort and improve the appearance of the skin. It is always essential to get treatment if you have this condition as it does not clear up alone.
Natural Methods For Treating Vaginal Itching
If you want to know how to stop vaginal itching the natural way, or simply combine methods, consider some of these easy home remedies which may work well.
1. Baking Soda Soak
Baking soda has antifungal properties that could heal skin conditions like psoriasis, as well as yeast infections. It attacks and eliminates candida cells to help decrease uncomfortable symptoms like redness, swelling, and an itchy vagina. To take a baking soda bath, mix 1-2 cups with your bath water and soak for 20-30 minutes.
2. Probiotics
Probiotics do more than just support your gut wellness. They also help balance the vaginal microbiome. These good bacteria destroy bad microbes in the vaginal environment and promote overall health. It makes it less likely that you will develop an infection and, in turn, itchiness in the vagina region.
3. Greek Yogurt and Honey
You can use a mixture of honey and Greek yogurt to help promote a healthier vagina and ease uncomfortable symptoms like itching. Yogurt has probiotic benefits, which can improve the health of the vaginal microbiome. Honey has antimicrobial properties which kill harmful bacteria. To apply, just spread it over the area or put the mix inside a tampon and insert it into your vagina.
4. Diet Modifications
Making some changes in your nutrition regimen can help reduce the symptoms of vaginal itching. For example, eat food like yogurt, miso, and kimchi with probiotics that can promote healthy bacteria in the vagina. Stay away from cheese, sugar, processed foods, fruit, alcohol, and bread. Include more vegetables, leafy greens, rice, and wheat in your diet.
5. Improve Your Hygiene
Practicing better vaginal hygiene can go a long way toward decreasing itchiness and other unpleasant symptoms. Make sure you wash the entire outside vaginal area every day, using only water. Avoid soaps or other products which can be irritating, including douches which could exacerbate the issue.
It’s not normal health-wise to have an itchy vagina, and it is a sign of an underlying issue or medical problem a lot of the time. However, vaginal itching is common in women as it has some potential root causes.
There are several medicinal creams, both prescription and over-the-counter, which are applied directly to the vaginal to treat vaginal itching. Many of these products are effective at relieving symptoms.
Yes, an irritated vaginal area can certainly be cured if the doctor discovers the cause of the problem and gives you the right treatment. If the issue is related to an irritant, you remove yourself from that substance to solve the issue. In addition, you can improve poor hygiene and other personal practices.
Vaginal itching is a wildly common problem, which most women experience at least once in their lives and sometimes. The vagina is a sensitive area and can be easily affected by allergies, irritants, medical issues, poor hygiene, and many other potential causes.
Vaginal itching is a prevalent problem in women, primarily because there are a whole host of possible reasons for its occurrence. It may include a yeast infection, poor hygiene, an STD, chemical irritants or sprays, allergies, skin conditions, and others. It’s an unpleasant issue that most women want to solve as soon as possible.
An irritated vaginal area does not have to be an ongoing problem if you get medical care and try some of these organic methods that use items you already have in your home. You’re already on your way to vaginal health and comfort.