Vaping At A Glance
Depending on the budget, one can buy from a wide range of pod vapes, e-cigarettes, AIOS, and disposable e-cigarettes. Users can buy a variety of flavors, including vanilla, tobacco, strawberry, custard, etc. Vape liquids also contain additives and chemicals.
Next comes nicotine. Three strengths are available – high, medium, and low. Though vaping is insanely popular among the young population, it causes addiction and several health disorders.
Vaping Vs. Smoking – Is There A Difference?
When you smoke traditional cigarettes, you burn tobacco to get nicotine in the bloodstream. In vaping, e-cigarettes are loaded with e-liquid or juice in a refillable cartridge or pod. The device delivers nicotine in the bloodstream by heating the liquid and creating vapor. The user inhales the vapor.
While burning cigarettes produce smoke, the vaping device emits an aerosol mist. Smoke from cigarettes carries toxins, carcinogens, and harmful chemical substances in the lungs. In vaping, aerosol mist contains harmful ultrafine particles, which it delivers to the lungs.
How Does A Vape Device Work?

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A vape device is a battery-run device that vapers use during vaping. These devices have undergone many changes since their inception. The first-generation vaping devices resembled traditional cigarettes with direct coil power.
The second-generation devices allowed power adjustment according to the user’s choice. The third-generation vape technology introduced advanced chipsets and coil materials. The fourth-generation vaping technology has alternating current mode.
Anatomically, a vaping device has a place for a battery, the sensors, the coil or atomizer, and the cartridge or pod that holds the e-liquid. The user puffs to activate the heating. Heating vaporizes the e-juice or e-liquid into an aerosol mist inhaled by the vaper.
Does Vaping Help Smokers?
Of late, there’s a debate doing the rounds – smoking or vaping, which is better? Vaping has been marketed as a safer alternative to smoking. It is believed to be safer than the traditional version.
Additionally, the FDA considers that tobacco-flavored products may help adult smokers quit cigarettes and has approved the sale of a vape product. However, health experts have a different opinion, which goes against vaping. Recent studies point to a growing list of health issues vaping may cause.
Is Nicotine-free Vaping Safe?
Vaping and e-cigarette are fairly new in society and have millions under the grips. However, as studies show, vaping is associated with many serious health issues. In some cases, vaping has resulted in death.
The main culprit is often thought to be nicotine. But are the ones without nicotine safe? Unfortunately, many studies show that e-liquids fueling e-cigs are no less dangerous.
According to this report[1], some vape flavors can be more damaging than nicotine. Research[2] indicates nicotine-free vaping may lead to gut inflammation. Propylene glycol, glycerol, and heavy metal particles in vape oils harm the lining of the lungs.
Why Does Quitting Vaping Make Sense?
Vaping is one of the latest public health issues medical experts are worried about. Though there’s not much research to determine the risks associated with vaping, there’s no doubt that vapers are still exposed to toxic chemicals while they vape, and it is bad for their health.
Emerging research indicates that people who vape have a higher risk of asthma and other lung issues. People who consider vaping a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes should understand that it can severely damage their health and should quit vaping immediately for the following reasons:
- Vaping may damage your heart health. It involves taking nicotine in the bloodstream, and long-term vaping can result in heart disease, attack, or stroke.
- Vaping may cause acute respiratory distress syndrome.
- Vaping may cause erectile dysfunction.
- Vaping devices may explode and cause serious damages.
- A variety of toxic chemicals are delivered to the lungs, which cause lung disease.
- Vaping is associated with poor oral health.
- Vaping may cause seizures.
- People who vape may turn to cigarettes, warns the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Does Vaping Raise The Chance of Erectile Dysfunction?
Vaping has been marketed as a safer alternative to tobacco smoking. The marketers have successfully convinced the users about its low nicotine content.
Flavors are another bonus. Plus, the cool-looking, advanced technology-powered vaping devices are also catching the attention of generation Z.
If you love vaping and have no plans to quit vaping, next time you take a puff, think about the damages you are causing your body.
Recent research puts several red flags on the claim that vaping is safe. Like its tobacco counterpart, vaping, too, breathes in harmful chemicals in the body.
Research confirms that vaping can damage the cardiovascular system, inflame the gut linings, cause respiratory disorders, and a recent study shows vaping can cause erectile dysfunction in men.
The failure to have an erection and not being able to enjoy sexual intercourse may cause emotional distress in men.
For a long time, researchers have linked smoking to ED. Smoking or vaping nicotine could be one of the reasons for ED. Nicotine exerts a vasoconstrictive effect in the body.
Vasoconstriction involves narrowing of blood vessels. When vasoconstriction occurs, blood circulation takes a beating. As a strong blood flow is essential for a steady erection, vaping nicotine may disrupt the flow to the southern guy and cause ED.
This study[3] reviews 40 publications that suggest vaping encourages oxidative stress that causes endothelial damage, leading to endothelial dysfunction.
Many marketers promote nicotine-free vaping. But even nicotine-free vaping could affect human sexual health. Flavors present in e-liquids are not harmless. Animal studies have proven their high toxicity can be as high as nicotine.
Here’s another study[4] that concludes that the use of ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems) can cause erectile dysfunction.
Researchers didn’t consider persons with high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes – the other reasons for ED. Dr. Omar El Shahawy, the author of the study, remarks that they found a strong connection between ED and vaping.
How To Quit Vaping Forever?

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Millions of middle and high school students indulge in vaping. Emerging data shows that vaping is associated with major health risks and health experts urge people to quit vaping for health reasons. The effects could be detrimental and may even be fatal.
However, it could be difficult to quit once a habit is formed. Vapes contain nicotine, and nicotine is addictive. If you are vaping and want to know how to quit vaping, consider the following steps:
- Just quit – If you have decided to quit, just quit vaping at once, abruptly! Many suggest gradual quitting, but as this study[5] shows, the cold turkey approach is more effective than gradual cessation.
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy – NRT is a common method on how to quit vaping. Many NRT options are available, such as patches, gum, inhaler, lozenge, and more. Using NRT helps you avoid withdrawal symptoms while getting a controlled dose of nicotine. You may consult a therapist to handle the emotional triggers associated with addiction.
- Seek support – You may need emotional support to quit vaping. Talk to your family members and friends who you feel will encourage you to succeed in your mission. You may request your friends not to vape when you are around or avoid places where people vape. You could experience issues during the quitting phase. Do consult a therapist to make it easy for you.
Parental Role in Quitting Vaping: How A Parent Can Help
Statistics reveal that vaping is rising in teens. An alarming number of American teens are addicted to vaping that may cause serious health issues. If you are a parent and uncertain how to quit vaping, the following can help:
Talk to kids:
If your kids are addicted to vaping, have an open talk with them. Ask why they are into vaping. Curiosity? Peer pressure? Is there any emotional anxiety? Listen to them patiently. Don’t judge or get into a debate. If your kids want to quit vaping, give them the required support.
Educate yourself:
- Learn how bad nicotine is for your health.
- Learn about nicotine addiction and how it impacts studies, brain health, and sports performance. You may also show them how much money is being wasted.
- Encourage them to save and spend the money for a better cause.
Join a community:
Finding how to quit vaping becomes easier when you join a community and share your stresses and challenges with people who understand.
You may enroll in a quit vaping coaching program. Such programs constantly stay in touch and offer guidance and motivation.

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Frequently Asked Questions
There's a link between smoking and weight management. Nicotine boosts metabolism[6] by forcing the heart to beat at a faster rate. It also suppresses appetite and keeps the weight on the lighter side. Smokers often complain of weight gain after they stop smoking. Vaping, promoted as an alternative to traditional cigarettes, has many users who want to lose weight. Obese adults frequently vape[7] for weight loss and prefer vanilla and coffee-flavored e-cigs for vaping. However, there's no scientific evidence that vaping helps with weight loss. On the other hand, nicotine has proven toxicity and is one of the most addicting agents.
Vaping is harmful to your overall health, including your oral health. E-cigs are considered less harmful than traditional ones. However, experts warn against a series of health issues linked to vaping. Most e-cigarettes contain nicotine, glycerin, propylene glycol, and flavors. The vapor inhaled during vaping impacts teeth and oral health negatively. Nicotine harms the gum tissues by changing blood flow to the gums, decreasing cell turnover, and affecting cell function. Different types of vaping liquids are sold on the market, and many of them may contain THC and vitamin E. Flavored e-cigarette vapor destroys enamel hardness. Many e-liquids have the same physical and chemical properties as sugary and gelatinous foods and cause dental caries. Here's a study[8] that discusses the carcinogenic capacity of sweet flavors in vaping devices.
There's not much research on how vaping affects skin health. However, recent research points to a growing list of health issues associated with vaping, and skin disorders are not excluded. E-cigarettes are shown to be responsible for causing oral lesions, burns, and contact dermatitis. They expose the skin to free radicals, depletes nutrients from the skin, and causes premature aging. Here's a study that links smoking with post-pubertal acne. As vaping liquids contain nicotine, e-cigs can't be discounted as harmless and safe for users.