An Introduction To Aging Skin
As we get older, certain bodily faculties start to slow down. For instance, remember when you were able to eat a whole tub of ice cream when you were a kid and not gain a pound? And now if you even have a spoonful of something sweet and sugary, you pay for it in inches on your waistline. That’s an example of how our metabolism slows down as we age. But it’s the same with our skin as well it shows the signs of aging.
And sometimes, even these efforts go in vain. The fact is that our skin has a shelf life. As we get older the faculties that allow our skin to recover from stressors start to slow down. This is the crux of the aging skin dilemma.
What Can Cause Your Skin To Age?

Apart from a good age, certain factors go into skin aging. You may even experience premature skin aging, in which case, most likely, the culprit is UV damage. Besides natural aging, the leading cause of damaged and overly-aged skin is excessive exposure to sunlight. It is a scientific fact.
But aside from aging and UV damage, your skin can age simply because of the lack of care. Not drinking enough water will cause dehydration, leading to premature aging. The best diet plan for healthier skin should include plenty of water every day. It is therefore important to start caring for your skin as early as possible and be mindful of what can cause skin aging.
Now that you know how you might prevent premature skin aging; how do you assess if your skin is already showing signs? Read on and find out here how to get rid of Wrinkles!
Skin Aging In 12 Of Its Most Typical Forms
Even though everyone’s skin is unique, how it ages is still more or less the same. There are some tell-tale signs that your skin is getting older. Here are 12 of the most common signs of aging skin:
- Crow’s Feet – Crow’s feet are wrinkles that form in the corners of your eyes. They are among the first signs of aging skin because the skin around the eyes is notoriously sensitive. Everything from ocular strain to simply smiling can contribute to crow’s feet as you get older.
- Easily Bruised Skin – Bruises occur when capillaries are burst beneath the skin under heavy impact. But bruises become more common as we get older because the fatty layer under the skin becomes thinner as we age. The thinning of this fatty layer doesn’t protect capillaries as well, therefore more bruises occur.
- Wrinkling Eyes – If you are starting to notice that your eyelids seem more wrinkled or more fine lines around your eyes – and not just in the corners – then your skin is most likely showing signs of age.
- Liver Spots – Liver spots, sometimes called age spots, are typically associated with aging skin. They are little dots that can form on the face and any other part of the skin – usually brown or dark-colored. However, excessive UV exposure can cause liver spots to appear prematurely.
- Drooping Eyelids – As we age, our skin gets thinner and loses elasticity. This results in eyelids that droop or sag more loosely over the eyes.
- Dehydrated Skin – Dehydrated skin usually manifests itself in excessive itchiness. If you have been noticing that your skin is dryer and itchier than normal, this could be a sign of aging skin.
- Frown Lines – There is pretty much no other cause for frown lines than aging or inadequate moisturizing. Frown lines appear like 2 vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows and horizontal lines across your forehead.
- Brow Furrows – Brow furrows are wrinkles that appear on your forehead and around your eyebrows. They occur as a result of muscular expression above the eye line and become more pronounced as we get older. So much so that the best anti-wrinkle creams are sometimes ineffective against them.
- Sagging Skin – Sagging skin around your jawline and cheeks is a sign that your skin is no longer producing enough elastin.
- Rough Skin – If your skin feels rough or course to the touch, it could be a sign of skin aging in the form of what is known as “crepey skin.”
- Wrinkles Around the Mouth – These wrinkles are called laugh lines and form as a result of muscular articulation around the mouth.
- Deep-Set Wrinkles – If you are noticing that your wrinkles are getting deeper and more pronounced, your skin is starting to age.

On The Topic Of Reversing Signs Of Skin Aging

It is important to note that many of the signs of skin aging are unavoidable. They simply come with age. And while most of them can’t be completely reversed, there are ways you can reduce the appearance and further occurrence of these signifiers of age.
- Sleep – Getting 6 hours of sleep is recommended, and it is an integral part of overall mindfulness for healthy skin.
- A Healthy Skin Regimen – Implementing a skin regimen that consists of daily cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and an SPF cream is essential for reducing signs of skin aging.
- Eat Right – The best diet plan for healthier skin should include berries, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, and plenty of water.
- Lifestyle Choices – Staying up late, living in an area with high air pollution, excessive stress, and quitting smoking are all lifestyle changes you can make to improve your skin.
- Limit Alcohol and Caffeine – Excessive alcohol and caffeine intake will accelerate the aging process of your skin.
- Consult a Dermatologist – Perhaps the best thing you can do to reverse skin aging signs is to see what your doctor recommends.
Frequently Asked Questions About Skin Aging
A: Avoiding smoking, excessive drinking, avoiding the worst foods for skin, drinking at least 64 ounces of water per day, and avoiding prolonged sun exposure can help slow the aging process.
A: Aging skin will typically look saggy, dry, wrinkled, and dotted with sunspots.
A: Middle age is generally held to end at around 65 while “old” for women is considered to be about 73.
A: Typically, the average person will notice skin aging around the age of 25.
A: Significant changes in skin condition generally occur when a person is in his/her 40’s and 50’s.
Stemming The Tide Of Further Aging

Use Sunscreen
Perhaps the most potent weapon in the fight against skin aging is to use a UVA and UVB blocking cream of at least SPF 30 on your face any time you are in the sun.
Pay attention
But you should pay attention to more than just your face or how to. Your diet, lifestyle, and environment should also be taken as factors of skin aging.
Consider one product at a time
As far as skin products go, you should introduce one new product at a time as opposed to all at once. We know how bad you want to get rid of oily skin and wrinkles, but be patient as using multiple new products at once can shock and damage your skin.
Remove makeup before going to bed
Regimental changes like making sure to remove your makeup every night before bed is also essential to overall mindfulness for healthy skin.
Manage stress strategically
Finally, practicing stress management (maybe through meditation or yoga) is an excellent way to slow Father Time’s grim procession.
Final Thoughts
Think of taking care of your skin as important as taking care of your body. Your skin is the largest organ on your body and should be treated as seriously as you would treat your heart, your eyes, your ears, and your bones.
Avoid the worst foods for skin like the ones high in refined sugar, carbohydrates, and overly processed foods (microwave foods, junk foods, etc). Research cleansers, toners, face masks, and moisturizers before you start using them. Make lifestyle changes that will benefit your skin and overall health.
And finally, remember that healthy skin is contingent upon a healthy lifestyle. If you are doing right by exercising, staying hydrated throughout each day, and eating healthy food, chances are you are at least on the right path towards preventing signs of skin aging and improving the health of your skin.