“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”   – Eleanor Roosevelt

A couple of years ago, it was reported that 90% of people across 75 countries that were interviewed by the UNDP were still biased against women being leaders. This meant, for women, that unless the biases were corrected, they would continue to have worsening outcomes for their abilities into the future. Fortunately, the International Women’s Day 2022 theme is BreakTheBias. Health Web Magazine regularly collaborates with top health experts. They have come forward to share their knowledge on this controversial topic.


Women across the world are prevented from fully participating in societal matters due to gender inequality. It is difficult for them to access fundamental human rights. The United Nations’ Global Goal wants to see all countries achieve gender equality in eight years – by 2030. A lot of achieving these goals has to do with women’s health.

The Significance Of International Women’s Day 2022

There is great significance to this day because it is all about equality in gender for a sustainable future. Women and girls are determined to be powerful and effective leaders, getting involved in initiatives across the world – they want to be empowered to be a voice – to be equal players in the decision-making of all matters across the broad spectrum.

The Theme Of International Women’s Day

The theme of International Women’s Day 2022 this year is to BreakTheBias. Millions of women are longing for a world where men and women are equal. No more discrimination, no more stereotypes. They want a world where they can be leaders, bosses, presidents, truck drivers, pilots, and that means, soldiers in the war too. It has been difficult for women to move ahead in the world today, to shake the traditional shackles where women stayed home being homemakers and caring for the children. Today’s women want to move ahead without bias.

Women Leaders Of Tomorrow Need To Protect Their Health

Women’s health is essential if they want to be future leaders and teachers. There are some diseases that they need to look at to keep themselves healthy and be at their best! This will enable them to pursue their dreams because they have sound bodies and minds; physically, mentally, and spiritually. Let’s look at some of these diseases very briefly:
  • Cervical Cancer – For starters, women should start getting a pap test every 3 years from age 21 to 65
  • Breast Cancer – There are excellent ways to prevent getting breast cancer, and avoiding excessive alcohol is just one of them
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) – The most common hormonal problem in women of productive age, but it can be prevented
  • Infertility – Infertility can be a heartbreaking situation for any woman. Today, there are fertility drugs that act like hormones to increase fertility
  • Premature MenopauseMenopause is a natural phase in the lives of women, but there are ways to overcome some of the unwanted symptoms that can arise
  • Heart Diseases – Heart diseases in women can show up with what could be different symptoms to men
  • Osteoporosis – Unfortunately for women, osteoporosis weakens the bones, and this can cause fractures
  • Stress – According to a survey, women are more likely to be stressed at the workplace than men
  • Depression/Anxiety – Depression and anxiety are debilitating, causing you to be ineffective in your daily activities
  • Obesity – Dietary and lifestyle changes can keep you healthy and fit
Do you want to make your mark? Cross your arms to show solidarity and BreakTheBias for an inclusive world. 35+ Experts came forward and shared their views with us. Health Web Magazine is proud to share their words with everyone and would like to thank our panel of experts for sharing their knowledge and spending time with us, we’re grateful to you!

Health Web Magazine collaborated with various Health Experts and Enthusiasts to share their views on – “Celebrating Womanhood – Simple Health Tips Women Can Easily Follow In Their Daily Life!”