Interview with Wellness Practitioner Abigail Mary Taugwalder

Abigail Mary Taugwalder


Abigail Mary Taugwalder

Written By Abigail Mary Taugwalder, Holistic Coach

Abigail Mary Taugwalder, a wellness practitioner, certified in Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, breathwork, meditation. She is also the mother of two children. As a Mum, she know how it feels to put herself last and knows how it feels when this caring action tips over to a feeling of depletion.…


Published On Nov 13, 2020,

Interview with wellness practitioner abigail 
Interview with Wellness Practitioner Abigail (Image Credit: Shutterstock); Author picture – (Image Credit: Author)

Following along on our series of interviews with health and wellness professionals, today we present a talk with Abigail Mary Taugwalder, who is a wellness practitioner and holistic wellness coach.

Abigail Mary Taugwalder started her career in health and wellness and she is certified in yin yoga & breathwork and has completed her level 1 of her Reiki practice. According to her, energy work fascinates us and she knows how it brings us back to ourselves, supports authenticity, and builds confidence.

Let’s get to know Abigail better through this short interview!

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Abigail Mary Taugwalder alias Abi tell us about yourself, your work, & how you started your journey as a wellness practitioner.
Abigail Mary Taugwalder

What brought me to this current place in life. A total surrender experience where I went with the flow, followed my heart. I had to lose myself before I could find my true self again through methods that I now share in my classes. I know how it feels to feel lost, dependent, stressed and I know it doesn’t have to feel that way.

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Tell us about your specialties
Abigail Mary Taugwalder

I am a holistic wellness coach, specialized in transformational practices that promote self-empowerment. I certified in Yin Yoga & Breathwork and have completed my level 1 of my Reiki practice.

Energy work fascinates me and how it brings us back to self, supports authenticity and builds confidence…My clients are Mums, entrepreneurs, managers, and women who like to improve their quality of life. I am incredibly grateful to create a safe space for them through my various classes and wellness kits.

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How do you manage work-life and professional life? Any tips you want to share with our readers.
Abigail Mary Taugwalder

The best way to keep a balance is to make wellness your ritual, by starting your day with it, when the kids are still asleep. This is a good way to keep your balance because you start the days with a physical activity that brings a sense of personal accomplishment.

Committing to the morning practice brings you back to you, puts things into perspective, creates clarity and builds self-esteem as well as nurturing your body. It boosts my energy.

This is why I set up weekday morning classes, I call PJ Yoga, where you can just roll out of bed in PJs with a bedhead onto the mat. It is true that it feels good to show up as you are, without judgment, just you as you are. Sometimes it’s the hardest part for people to get up earlier or for women, to put themselves first, but once we realise the benefits of self-caring, everyone sticks to the new wellness rituals. I can see how my clients prosper just like I did.

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How did you manage the pandemic period?
Abigail Mary Taugwalder

We are in the second confinement period in Paris and this feels a bit different. The first round was hard for my kids. My kids are 18 and 16. But we got to spend more time together than in a long time. Mum usually comes last on their social list ; )

We got into a routine, they learnt different skills, I took my time to study more on holistic coaching and spent time planting seeds on our balcony. Just like Audrey Hepburn said “to plant seeds is to believe in tomorrow”. Cultivating a positive mindset is everything. Doing it with my kids is a gift.

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How Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, breathwork & meditation change our life?
Abigail Mary Taugwalder

I am glad you ask this. I must say I never thought I’d get this passionate about Yin Yoga before I joined the teacher training. A bit like going on a trip and getting stuck in a place you fall in love with and changing your plans.

As Yin Yoga is built on re-boosting our Chi, our energy, based on the beliefs of Traditional Chinese Medicine, breathwork is a tool on its own that empowers the experience. Like both these practices Yoga Nidra can stand alone and leads us to incredible depths in our soul.

What all of them have in common is that they nurture grounding. In stability we grow. This is what they brought into my life. Connection to self, the earth, others with clear boundaries.

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