
The male orgasm is a complex but fascinating phenomenon. The primary functions of the male orgasm are enjoyment and sperm ejaculation. Multiple hormones, nerve pathways, and organs are involved in the male orgasm. Male testicles produce testosterone, which promotes sexual desire or libido and causes arousal. Usually, men rely on physical stimulation for arousal.

The male orgasm provides many benefits. While most studies on this subject are still in a preliminary stage because of its subjective nature, experts agree that the male libido can enhance one’s life. Low amounts of testosterone can reduce energy levels[1], mentally affecting men.

What Is an Orgasm?

Alfred Kinsey described orgasm as “an explosive discharge of neuromuscular tension” in the 1950s. Research since then has discovered the physiological and emotional elements related to orgasm. It is possible to define orgasm differently, but it generally refers to the peak of sexual fulfillment. Blood flows to the genitals, and the muscles become tense during arousal. Male orgasm[2] provides intense physical pleasure after the release of the erotic tension. There is a sense of warmth and tingling, but the experience can vary.

Men often ejaculate during an orgasm, but that is not always the case. Semen, which is the male ejaculate, comprises sperm cells and the seminal fluid, which carries them.

During an orgasm

4 Different Types of Male Orgasms

There are different types of male orgasms that you should know about.

  • Ejaculatory/standard orgasm – It is the standard orgasm that most men have during intercourse. When a man is sexually aroused, blood flows to the corpora, causing the penis to become rigid and erect.

    The prostate gland and pelvic floor muscles perform contractions to push the semen into the urethra. It is possible to experience this orgasm on one’s own.

  • Blended Orgasm -This is a whole-body male orgasm that takes place when multiple areas of the male body experience pleasure at the same time. The key is to stimulate as many of the erogenous zones as possible during foreplay or intercourse. Blended orgasms are one of the most pleasurable orgasms possible.
  • Multiple Orgasms – Multiple male orgasms are not a myth. It is indeed possible to have serial or sequential orgasms. To have sequential multiple orgasms, you must orgasm and take some rest during the refractory period. You will experience serial orgasms if you have it one after the other without taking a break.
  • Pelvic orgasm – For a pelvic orgasm, you must try a method called edging. You will be in control of the orgasm, and you can successfully prolong the sexual experience. All you have to do is masturbate right until you are about to orgasm and then stop completely. Once the sexual feeling is gone, you start again. If you edge properly, you will experience a more explosive male orgasm.
  • What Causes Male Orgasm?

    Causes Male Orgasm
    The male orgasm occurs due to the following factors.

    • It is the natural next step in the sexual response cycle. When a man is having intercourse, the contractions in the pelvic and genital muscles force the body to expel the semen. Continuous stimulation of different erogenous zones like genitals, nipples, perineum, and the anus during sex is what causes male orgasm.
    • Oral and manual stimulation may lead to multiple male orgasms. Oral sex replicates the experience of intercourse, and you can only enjoy it with a partner. You can stimulate your genitals alone or with the help of your partner. It is an effective way of getting a quick release or completing your sex session.
    • Multiple Male Orgasms occur when a man experiences more than one orgasm in a short time. The Department of Urologic Sciences at the University of British Columbia found that just 10% of men[3] in their 20s are multiorgasmic. The multiorgasmic nature of men such as age, usage of psychoactive drugs and sex toys, and openness to experimental sex is what causes male orgasm.

    • Wet dreams are more common in adults than one might think. It is entirely possible for adult men to orgasm in their sleep stimulated by their wet dreams. Even during sleep, the male body reacts positively to sexual stimuli and allows for orgasms.

    What Are the Phases of the Male Orgasm?

    The male orgasm has four stages, as mentioned by William Masters and Virginia Johnson in their book, Human Sexual Response.

    • Arousal – When a man perceives sexual interest, the brain sends a signal to the sex organs through the spinal cord. During arousal, a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine is released into the blood by the brain because of the sensory, physical, and emotional cues.

      As a result, nitric oxide enters the arteries of the penis, which expands then fills up with blood. The erection that occurs can increase muscle tension and change respiration patterns. The scrotum also pulls towards the body.

    • Plateau – In this stage, the pelvic thrusts become more intense and involuntary. As the thrusting picks up speed, the heart rate can go up to 175 beats per minute. Men might also experience a rise in body temperature and blood pressure.

      Pre-cum or drops of seminal fluid might start leaking from the urethra. The release of the pre-ejaculatory fluid changes the pH of the urethra and increases the chance of the sperm surviving the journey. The duration of the plateau phase ranges from 30 seconds to 120 seconds.

    • Orgasm – During the orgasm stage, men experience emission and ejaculation. The formal stage signals the body to be prepared for ejaculation. The semen is expelled from the body due to contractions of the anus, penile muscle, and perineal muscles.

      The reward center of the brain receives a bunch of neurochemicals during orgasm and triggers an intense emotional response. After the orgasm, the body prepares for the final phase.

    • Resolution and Refraction – The penis loses the erection slowly after ejaculation. With the reduction in muscle tension, men feel more relaxed and even sleepy. Most men will have a resting or refractory period after the orgasm and they will not be able to reach an orgasmic state during this time.

      The period varies from man to man, depending on their age. For younger men, it can last for half an hour to one hour, while older men can even need a day to recover completely.

    Health Benefits of the Male Orgasm

    Health Benefits of the Male Orgasm

    • Enhances Brain Functioning – During an orgasm, the brain experiences an increased blood flow, which helps to enhance its abilities. The heightened oxygen utilization and nutrient intake during the male orgasm provide the brain with a boost. You might find yourself more receptive to learning a tough topic after an orgasm.
    • Reduces the Risk of Prostate Cancer – According to a 2004 study by the National Cancer Institute[4], the male test subjects who had more than 21 orgasms every month were 30% less likely to suffer from prostate cancer as compared to the ones who experienced fewer than seven orgasms. The reason behind this is not very clear, but one theory states that orgasming often rids the prostate of old semen, which could otherwise turn carcinogenic.
    • Reduces Stress – The male body releases endorphins and oxytocin during an orgasm, which can boost someone’s mood instantly. If you are going through a stressful period, an orgasm will take your mind off it for a while. You will end up feeling relaxed and comfortable. Masturbation can also decrease stress levels.
    • Pain Relief – The oxytocin released during the male orgasm can alleviate pain and ache, even if it is for a temporary period. If you are looking for some immediate relief, then opting for an orgasm could be the solution.

    What Are Male Orgasm Disorders?

    Male orgasm disorder can cause a lot of stress and anxiety in men with an otherwise healthy libido. Orgasm disorders are not synonymous with ejaculation disorders like premature ejaculation and retrograde ejaculation.

    Male orgasm disorder does not necessarily involve the expulsion of semen, and that is what sets it apart from ejaculation disorders.

    • Dry orgasmDry orgasm is a male orgasm disorder that causes men to ejaculate very little semen during their orgasm. This can be frustrating as it leaves the sexual experience lacking. Furthermore, it can hinder your efforts if you are trying for a child with your partner. This condition can affect men after bladder or prostate surgery. It can also be the result of sperm duct blockage, increased blood pressure, low testosterone, or an enlarged prostate.

      Dry orgasm

    • Anorgasmia – Anorgasmia is a condition in which a man is unable to orgasm and can be worrisome. It might be triggered by certain psychological problems like trauma, stress, or even male performance anxiety.

      What causes male orgasm problems like anorgasmia are hypogonadism, diabetes, and hypertension. There is also a chance that prostate surgery can trigger a case of anorgasmia.

      Moreover, some medicines, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can lead to this male orgasm disorder.

      To treat anorgasmia, determining the root cause is vital. Treatment options can include psychotherapy, testosterone replacement therapy, or changing medications. Taking erectile dysfunction drugs to resolve a male orgasm disorder will be fruitless because they cannot do much beyond boosting the libido by sending more blood to the penis. One of the toughest things about orgasm disorders is that they can occur suddenly in the middle of a healthy sexual life. Keep your calm and approach objectively for the fastest resolution.

    Correcting Common Misconceptions

    • The male orgasm does not have to be the only yardstick of a sexual encounter. Treating male orgasms as inevitable can be harmful when it comes to developing healthy relationships.
    • Multiple male orgasms can be achieved even without penile-vaginal stimulation.
    • It is indeed possible for men to have orgasms without involving the genitals.
    • A male orgasm disorder should not be taboo. Even men can suffer from orgasm disorders and it is time we address it.


    There is much more to unfold about the male orgasm, and researchers are constantly trying to discover its many facets. It is important that we, as a society, do not treat the topic of male and female orgasms as taboo. Open discussions always help everyone to understand a subject better.

    Male orgasms provide many benefits, but you should take care of your health to avoid any disorders. As a man, being comfortable with your sexuality and experiencing different types of orgasms, including multiple male orgasms, will enhance your sexual journey.